IC Lector Information Form
Thank you for your interest in serving your parish in the role of a Lector. Please complete the form below so we may schedule you as close to your requested Mass preferences as possible.
Are you 18 years old? *
Please choose your preferred status: *
 Regularly scheduled Lector:
 Substitute Lector Only: 
Please indicate your preference of Mass to serve:
1st preference*
 4:30 PM Saturday
 7:30 AM Sunday
 9:00 AM Sunday
 11:30 AM (11:00 summer) Sunday
 7:00 PM Sunday
2nd preference*
 4:30 PM Saturday
 7:30 AM Sunday
 9:00 AM Sunday
 11:30 AM (11:00 summer) Sunday
 7:00 PM Sunday
If you wish to serve with a family member at the same Mass, please provide their name(s) (first/last) below:
Family member #1:
Family member #2:
Family member #3:
Family member #4:
Thank you for indicating your Mass preferences; we will do our best to schedule you in accordance with your wishes. Now, please take a moment to help us stay in touch with you by confirming your contact information. Your input is appreciated.
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Address #1: *
Address #2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Please insert your phone number(s) below using the format xxxxxxxxxx (no spaces or dashes).
Home phone:*
Cell phone:
Email address:*
Please confirm your email: *
Thank you for taking the time to communicate your preferences and to confirm your contact details. If you have any questions or comments about the Lector Ministry at IC, please insert them below:
