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We Are Immaculate Conception Parish

Advent/Christmas Schedule 2024
Advent Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions will be available in Spanish and Polish at times throughout the day.
The 15 parishes of the Eastern DuPage Deanery will have 7 hours for the
           No Confessions at IC on this day          
St. Pius X, Lombard:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.       8Saturday, December 14
Saturday, December 21    3pm - 4pm in Church, as well as after
                                   4:30pm Mass until all are heard.
Schedule of Masses for the 4th Sunday of Advent
December 21          4:30 p.m. Mass        Church
December 22          7:30 a.m. Mass        Church
                                9:00 a.m. Mass        Church
                               11:30 a.m. Mass       Church
                                7:00 p.m. Mass       Church
Christmas Eve:
(Doors open at 2:00pm. Please do not save seats before Mass begins)
Tuesday, December 24      
3:00 p.m.      Mass            Church
3:00 p.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel *
3:00 p.m.      Mass            Plunkett Hall
*(The Four-year-olds, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders will have the opportunity to participate in a presentation of the Living Gospel at the Chapel Mass.  The Children’s Choir will also sing in the Chapel.)
5:00 p.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel
11:00 p.m.     Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel

Preceded by a program of Christmas music at 10:30 p.m.
(Incense will be used at the 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Masses on Christmas Eve.)
Christmas Day:
Wednesday, December 25 
7:30 a.m.      Mass      Church
9:00 a.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel
11:30 a.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel
(Incense will be used at the 9am & 11:30am Masses on Christmas Day.)
Thursday, December 26    
8:00 a.m.      Mass            Church
(No 6:15am or 7:30am Masses will be celebrated)
Schedule continues on the next page.
Feast of the Holy Family
Saturday, December 28   
8:00 a.m.      Mass            Church
4:30 p.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel
No Reconciliation will be celebrated
Sunday, December 29      
7:30 a.m.       Mass            Church
9:00 a.m.      Mass            Sacred Heart Chapel
11:30 a.m.      Mass           Sacred Heart Chapel
7:00 p.m.      Mass            Church
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
A Holy Day of Obligation. All are asked to attend Mass
Tuesday, December 31
4:30 p.m.      Mass           Church
Wednesday, January 1     
7:30 a.m.       Mass            Church
11:30 a.m.      Mass            Church
(No 9:00am or 7:00pm Masses will be celebrated)

Virtus Training

Click here for a list of Adoration Hours throughout the Diocese of Joliet

Parish Office Hours 
The Parish office is open Monday through Thursday  8:30am until 4:30pm and Fridays 8:30am until Noon.  
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