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We Are Immaculate Conception Parish


Monday through Friday 7am
8 AM  

Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:30 PM  
Sunday: 7:30 AM   9:00 AM,
11:30 AM, and 7:00 PM

All Masses, baptisms, wedding, and funerals are held in the Church at 132 Arthur Street.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday following 4:30pm Mass until 6pm 
First Fridays and First Saturdays following morning Mass

Virtus Training

Click here for a list of Adoration Hours throughout the Diocese of Joliet

Parish Office Hours 
The Parish office is open Monday through Thursday  8:30am until 4:30pm and Fridays 8:30am until Noon.  
Copyright ©  2025 IC Elmhurst. All Rights Reserved.