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Worship Commission News
    May 2021
  • Worship Commission Minutes – Monday May 17, 2021
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Lisa Grisolia, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello
    Parish Council Report: 
    The parish will be posting an accounting position.
    Reunite in Christ Initiative:  IC has decided to hire PSG to help with this effort for $4,000 per year. Ray and Tess Hill have agreed to be our Co-Leads to help engage the parish and help the staff.  (Worship Commission suggested we invite them to our meetings and to resend the link to the effort since the links were not working – MP will follow up).  Some of the initiatives will include increasing communication and social network efforts including customizing Facebook page.  We may do a survey to find what it will take for people to come back to Mass.
    As part of this, we want to encourage people to come to Mass.  There have been ads in bulletin and newspapers for Pentecost, and Worship was asked to post flyers around town.  Wear red, invite a friend to Mass, etc.  Also, several options for Corpus Christi – do a procession after 9:00 Mass or have adoration in the tent.  WC was asked to evaluate and make recommendation to Father Tom.
    Greeters – Father Tom likes the evolution of this ministry and believes all the greeters have made a very big difference with making people feel welcome.
    Music Ministry:  Lisa is recording songs with choir for Pentecost Sunday.  She is happy to be able to celebrate a bit in person with the adult choir members next week.
    Worship Commission Special projects:
    • Prayers for our Priests - Rosa Mystica:  We will post another bulletin invitation to join in our prayers for Father Tom and Father James.
    • Year of St. Joseph -  Bulletin articles were submitted, and new ideas were presented.  Please see the attached for assignments- thank you.  Plan to get to Catey by the Friday before (approximately 10 days in advance).  Feel free to send for comments if you would like to do so.  If anyone has ideas to add to our list, send to MP.
    • Special events
    Pentecost – Lisa has recorded music.We posted flyers around town encouraging people to come to Mass to celebrate the birthday of the Church.
    Corpus Christi – We further discussed ideas suggested by Parish Council.WC likes the idea of a procession for Corpus Christi Sunday June 6 after 9:00 Mass where we would process from the Church around the block.
    Some ideas:  
    • Tom will check to see if we can have Knights of Columbus leading the procession
    • Invite first Communicants to get dressed up and march in the procession.  The girls could scatter flower petals.
    • We could ring the Altar Bells while processing
    • Incense?
    • Lisa could lead us in singing the refrains from familiar hymns or we could carry a device with recorded music (or no music - just bells)
    • Participants are encouraged to wear white or yellow (Vatican flag colors)
    • Wave Vatican flags
    A few questions:What happens after the procession since there is an 11:00 mass? - often there would be benediction.  Maybe Father would do a final prayer outside the Church entrance?
    We are assuming that if it rains, there would not be a procession.  Would Father want to do a short benediction and adoration after 9:00 Mass instead?
    We will send to Catey so if OK with Father, maybe we can amend the Reunite in Christ flyer for bulletin to capture these ideas.We also like the Adoration under the tent and under the stars.
    Ministries:   Since we are not certain how we will be “staffing” the Masses, we did not have much to discuss until we know how logistics will be handled.  We will need to schedule training for people since there will probably be changes once the COVID restrictions are lifted.  Many of our Ministers have not been serving for over a year.
    Other:  Bulletins will be handed out beginning Easter so will need procedures for greeters and announcements.
    Father James ended the meeting with a prayer and blessing, thanking God for His infinite love and for God to send down the Holy Spirit so that we can be channels of his grace.  We adjourned at 8:45.
    Next meeting is Tuesday June 1 at 7:00.  We may need to call a special meeting pending Father’s decision on the procession.
    March 2021
  • Worship Commission Minutes – Wednesday March 10, 2021
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Lisa Grisolia, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello (please check attendees for accuracy)
    Parish Council Report:  No meeting in February or March.                                                             
    Lent 2021:  Ash Wednesday on  February 17 ashes were distributed and there were many who attended – ashes were sprinkled on the head due to Covid.  Stations of the Cross Wednesdays February 24- March 24 at 6:30 are going well but not too many people attending.  Thank you to the greeters and readers.  Parish Mission  led by Father David Mowry March 7-9  7:00pm in the was great.  The only problem was the live stream did not work for the second night.  Attendance first night most attended in person and streaming (x? in person and 351 streaming).  
    Reconciliation will be at Visitation and St. Peters this year on March 27 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  Flyers were distributed in mid Elmhurst businesses.
    Music Ministry:  Lisa is recording seven songs with the choir – a challenge but good.  Recording three songs with Children’s Choir 3rd-6th grade.
    Worship Commission Special projects:
    • Prayers for our Priests - Rosa Mystica:  We had 3 more parishioners join in our prayers for Father Tom and Father James.
    • Year of St. Joseph -  Bulletin articles were submitted for Feast of St. Joseph (thank you Jim) and for St. Joseph Table  (we recommended people could pray that day, and also donate gift cards to local grocery stores for the IC Food Pantry). Will be more opportunities for additional articles after Easter.
    Other:  Bulletins will be handed out beginning Easter so will need procedures for greeters and announcements.
    Father James ended the meeting with a prayer and blessing, thanking God for His infinite love and for allowing us this time to work to build up His Kingdom.  We adjourned at 8:45.
    Next meeting is April 19 at 7:00.
    February 2021
  • Worship Commission Minutes – February 15, 2021
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Lisa Grisolia
    Faith Sharing/Opening Prayer:  Father James asked God for strength and wisdom to do our work well, to do God’s will and that it all be done for God’s Kingdom.
    Parish Council Report:  No meeting in February.                                                                             
    Planning for Lent 2021:  Ash Wednesday is February 17.  Worship Commission and the greeters are asked to assist at the Stations of the Cross Wednesdays February 24- March 24 at 6:30.  Parish Mission will be led by Father David Mowry March 7-9.  So far there has been little information provided with staff about Holy Week etc.
    Reconciliation will be at Visitation and St. Peters this year on March 27 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
    Music Ministry:  Lisa is recording seven songs with the choir – a challenge but good.  Recording three songs with Children’s Choir 3rd-6th grade.
    Worship Commission Special projects:
    • Prayers for our Priests - Rosa Mystica:  We had further discussion on this mission.  We had further ideas about inviting the parish to join in (maybe a good Lenten commitment for prayer);  putting invitiation in bulletin;  putting prayer on your personal calendar; remembering that God’s time is not our time, so if you forget, pray when you remember;  It is all for the good;  ideas include prayer for each priest on the rosary beads;  including prayers for the Seminarians;  distributing posters of the current class of seminarians to those interested in keeping them individually in their prayers (apparently there is a large stack of posters of the seminarians at the parish).  Bottaom line, Mary Pat will send a bulletin invitation to ask parishioners to contact her to be added to the list of Pray-ers and will share with the Vocations Committee (chaired by Olive Cadaos) the idea for extending it to Seminarians.  Last month it was suggested that we do a general intention for the Mass intentions as well.  In the meantime, continue with your prayers or Father Tom, Father James and for Father Michael Pawlowicz.
    • Year of St. Joseph.  On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis announced the Year of St. Joseph.  Worship Commission continued discussion about how to to celebrate.  Ideas included:  singing St. Joseph songs periodically (e.g., weekend after March 19, Father’s Day;  around May 1 (Feast of St. Joseph the Worker) etc.;  exploring celebrating St. Joseph Table (in spite of the pandemic) by either having families celebrate themselves or share their table among neighbors, donate food to our food pantry, offer to cook a meal and bake for neighbors in need (Lisa suggested Jo Bastioni might be a good person to consult – MP will follow up); publish special prayers and novenas; write up special affinities for St. joseph (e.g., St. Joseph is the patron of Mexico), interesting facts etc. in bulletin; Holy Hour dedicated to St. Joseph;  gather testimonials from parisioners about the favors St. Joseph has granted to them and post them.
    Other:  Father Tom’s birthday is February 25 (???)
    Father James ended the meeting with a prayer and blessing and we adjourned at 8:38.
    Next meeting is March 10 at 7:00.
    January 2021
  • Worship Commission Minutes – January 18, 2021
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Lisa Grisolia, Joyce Callahan
    Parish Council Report:  Majority of January meeting was review of status of finances and capital campaign.  The plan is that the Chapel will be completed in December 2021, and that Bishop Hicks will preside over the dedication.  Bishop Hicks will also meet with the Eastern Du Page Deanery in February.  Father Tom accepted a suggestion that WC do something to celebrate the Pope’s Year of St. Joseph.  Christmas attendance was about 1,500 people for the 13 Masses, and it went very well.  Thanks to all who made it a success.  Leadership Night will be in association with the Parish Mission.
    Christmas Eve and Day Masses: 
    Worship Commission recognizes the amazing work done by Catey, Lisa, our priests, and staff to make Christmas so beautiful and successful in spite of the pandemic requirements.  Tom wrote the following thank you to all involved.
    Thank you all, for your tremendous help with all our Christmas Masses either as Hospitality Ministers, Lectors or EM’s.     It was a daunting task when we discussed it last month at our Worship meeting, but it all came together beautifully.  Special thanks to both Catey and Lisa.  Thank you Catey, for all your planning, coordination, and attention to  all the big and little details, including recruiting and scheduling  all the hospitality ministers, taking  reservations for all the masses, and making sure everyone was doing their respective jobs.   Thank you, Lisa, for the beautiful music at all our 13 masses, including coordinating the cantors and choirs, producing the wonderful video, and for all the rehearsal, planning, practices and coordination that went into everything coming together so well. I am sure I’ve only scratched the surface of what you both did to make the Christmas celebrations at IC come together.   You both did a herculean job under difficult circumstances and we as a Parish are blessed to have the both of you.  Thank You so much for all you both do, day in and day out, for IC.   From Tom Kaiser.
    Planning for Lent 2021:  Ash Wednesday is February 17.  Worship Commission and the greeters are asked to assist at the Stations of the Cross Wednesdays February 24- March 24.
    Parish Mission will be led by Father David Mowry.  Lisa asked how this will be done, virtually?  Some people in person with live stream?  How many people since it is not a Mass – what is the governor’s emergency order allow.  (Include Anne Hohbein on distribution of minutes.)
    Music Ministry:  Christmas music was a challenge to set up but beautiful in the end!  Parish choir has been meeting virtually.  Will be creating more recordings – challenging but very rewarding.
    Worship Commission Special projects:
    • Prayers for our Priests:  Mary Pat reported out that the Vocations Committee (chaired by Olive Cadaos) likes the Rosa Mystica intercessory prayer for priests and the prayer for Vocations. She asked those in the Vocations Ministry who have signed up for specific days of prayer, and they are also good with praying on their days.  She thinks it would be good to open it up to other groups or even the parish community.  We discussed that it is a good thing to do and shows concern and care.  Ideas discussed: Should we have a formal sign up; maybe do a prayer service via ZOOM;  put an announcement  in bulletin inviting people to sign up;  add a periodic general intention to the Mass intentions.  Mary Pat will follow up with Olive and make a recommendation for further action.  In the meantime, continue with your prayers and add Father Michael Pawlowicz, (see Father Tom’s note below) to your list.
    • Year of St. Joseph.  On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis announced the Year of St. Joseph.  Worship Commission will take on project to present prayers, events, etc. to celebrate.  Ideas included:  singing St. Joseph songs periodically (e.g., March 19);  somehow celebrating St. Joseph Table (in spite of the pandemic) by either having families celebrate themselves, donate food to our food pantry, etc.; publish special prayers and novenas; write up special affinities for St. joseph (e.g., St. Joseph is the patron of Mexico), interesting facts etc. in bulletin; Holy Hour dedicated to St. Joseph, etc.   USCCB has some information.  Also, Relevant Radio has a program for the Year of St. Joseph.  Mary Pat agreed to take the lead and would greatly welcome a small committee to help plan this and will send out a note to invite others to work on this great project.
    Other:  Pope Francis has instituted this coming Sunday, January 24th to be called The Sunday of the Word of God.  Greeters will be distributing Bibles after Mass next weekend (see note from Father Tom below).
    Father James ended the meeting with a prayer and blessing and we adjourned about 8:30.
    Next meeting is February 15 at 7:00
    Leadership Night will be associated with the Parish Mission which is March 7,8 and 9.
    January 18, 2021
    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    The season of ordinary time that we are now in is rather brief this year. Lent is less than a month away as Ash Wednesday will be celebrated on February 17th. I hope that all of you are staying well. May this new year bring you many blessings. Thank you once again for you very generous support. Your assistance with the many needs of our parish was very graciously shown both through the Christmas Season and into the start of this new year. I’m writing today to alert you to a few things that are coming up which you might want to participate in and/or know about.
    • We are anxiously still awaiting the arrival of our 2021 parish calendars. As soon as they arrive, we will have them available both at the end of Mass and at the rectory office. Because of the issues regarding the virus, one of our greeters will pass them out to you while wearing gloves as you exit Mass.
    • Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has instituted this coming Sunday, January 24th to be called The Sunday of the Word of God. The Holy Father said the following: “As Christians, we are one people, making our pilgrim way through history, sustained by the Lord present in our midst, who speaks to us and nourishes us. A day devoted to the bible should not be seen as a yearly event, but rather a yearlong event. We urgently need to grow in our knowledge and love of the scriptures and of the risen Lord, who continues to speak His word and break bread in the community of believers.”
    • Perhaps you may recall that it has been our custom in recent years to share with you special reading materials both at Christmas and Easter. A very generous couple from our parish donated bibles for the members of our community that were to be distributed for Easter 2020. Regretfully, our churches were closed at that time and we still have the gift of these bibles waiting for you. At the end of Masses on January 23 and 24, greeters will be passing out copies of the New American Bible for anyone who would like to have one. You are also welcome to give a copy to family members and friends not present. You can also help to spread the word of God by taking a copy to share with someone else who would enjoy receiving it. Again, in this situation, the ministers will be wearing gloves as they pass out the bibles. The New American Bible is both Catholic, a good translation, and an easy read of the scriptures.
    • The adult faith formation series focused upon the bible continues this week. Videos will be posted beginning January 19th on the Holy Ghost Church website Press the red tab titled “Bible Series” to join.
    • The next semester of That Man is You begins January 23rd. This semester will take place online. All men from our community are most welcome to participate. A special invitation is extended for new participants. A welcome back is also extended to those who have previously attended these valuable sessions of faith development. Registration is not required. The zoom meeting id is 99892682769  Meetings begin at 7am.
    • Many of you both at Christmas, on Sundays, and during the week have participated in Masses celebrated by our priest in residence, Fr. Michael Pawlowicz. Fr. Michael is temporarily here until he is able to go back to Rome to continue his studies in anticipation of his becoming part of the diplomatic core. Some have asked for a list of some of the books he has referenced in his homilies. Father is putting together a list of some suggested books to read. It will be posted on our website and also in the bulletin.
    • In the next few weeks you will be receiving a letter from me regarding an update of the steps going forward with continued work in the Sacred Heart Chapel and the lower level of the parish center. At the present time, the plans are before the City of Elmhurst in anticipation of our receiving a building permit from them. Your ongoing generosity towards this effort will make the renewal of this much used building possible. Most importantly, the changes in the chapel will provide an updated space for our liturgies and a greater opportunity to honor the Sacred Heart.
    • We will celebrate the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation on February 2nd It is our custom to bless candles on that day. The Feast of St. Blaise follows on February 3rd. On the weekend of February 6/7, we will have general blessings of throats available at the end of each mass. Likewise, we will also have blest candles for home use.
    • IC is in the process of making plans for Ash Wednesday and Lent. Recently, we received instructions from Rome as to how Catholic churches around the world are to distribute ashes. This year, instead of the ashes being placed on your foreheads, they will be sprinkled on the crown of your head.
    May God continue to bless you throughout this new year. Know that you are in my daily prayers. I truly appreciate the prayers that you offer for me.
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Fr. Tom
    Worship Commission Members
  • Tom Kaiser Co Chairperson
    Mary PatTyson Vanderlaan, Co Chairperson, Parish Council Liason
    Fr. James Corona Bernal, Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish
    Lisa Grisolia, Director of Music, Immaculate Conception Parish
    Jim Viola
    Steve Hillsman
    Peg Cello
    Joyce Callahan
    March 2020
  • Worship Commission Minutes – March 9, 2020
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Seminarian Brian Geary, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello, Mary Lou Rafferty
    Faith Sharing – Brian thanked God for the liturgy and we said a Hail Mary.
    Minutes from January meeting approved.
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – No parish council meeting.  Mary Pat reported on Deanery and Leadership Night presentation at Visitation on February 24.  Linda Couri, a former Planned Parenthood worker delivered a powerful presentation about her life’s journey after having an abortion.  She is currently the Director of the Institute for Lay Formation at University of Saint Mary of the Lake.  It was eye opening to hear first hand how this affects not only the child and mother but all involved.
    Mass Captain, EM and procedures
    Peg met with Sheila regarding Saturday night.  We still need procedures for Church.  Father James will be sure that the transfer of host and ciborium happens to prepare for 4:30 Saturday Mass; look at doing this after the 8:00 Saturday morning Mass.
    Barb sent a note to EMs regarding blessings for those not receiving communion.
    There will be Liturgical Minister training after Easter, and Ministry Weekend is May (cancelled due to covid).
    Safety Procedures:  Jim should talk to the17 new Safety Ministers to see if they want to sign up for other ministries.  Cones and blankets.
    Lent:  Ash Wednesday went very well.  Noon was continuous but only recommend 2 distributors rather than 4.
    4:30 Mass:  Going very well.  Lisa said it is the most attended Mass of all.
    Music Ministry:  Taizé – February 28 at 7:00 PM.  More than 60 people attended and we raised $176 for Elmhurst Walk In Ministry.   Maybe next time we could collect for Daybreak or PADS or another charity.  Let Lisa know what you prefer. It was beautiful!
    Other:  Punchke Sunday –Many more people this year than last year.  They were from Ingram’s Busy Bee Bakery in Downers Grove.  Next year we should plan for the RE people too!
    Barb should purchase greeter badges.  Seminarian Brian is working on welcoming/greeting for new parishioners.
    Mary Lou Rafferty will be resigning from the Worship Commission as of June 2020.  Thank you so much to Mary Lou for your years of advice and leadership on so many issues.  We will miss you!
    CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19 VIRUS:  In mid-March everything we had planned for many events ended -
    18 Hours of Reconciliation, Parish Mission, public Masses, Confession, Church closed, No meetings, etc. 
    A few things to remember for next year:  For 18 hours, need WC to be there at first and last hours.  Examination of Conscience – may want to review what we distribute.  Holy Thursday need 4 people at first hour of greeting.  Need more evening prayer handouts.
    We adjourned before 9:00 PM.  Father James gave us a blessing.
    Next Meeting:  Next regular meeting was to have been Monday March 9 at 7:00 PM.  CANCELLED DUE TO COVID VIRUS
    November 2019
  • Worship Commission Minutes – November 19, 2019
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Barb Repking, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Jim Viola.
    Faith Sharing – Jim Viola led us with a reading for the Feast of Christ the King (Col 1:12-20).  It is a Christological Hymn that talks about how Jesus is the image of the invisible God who has delivered us from the power of darkness and redeems us and forgives our sins.  He is the firstborn from the dead and in him all things hold together.
    Minutes from October meeting approved.
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – Mary Pat reported out.  Regarding greeting at Masses, 11:30 and 5:15 Saturday are the two Masses where we still want more greeters.  Regarding the hospitality assignment, PC thinks greeters at Mass is most important.  PC is supportive of more focus on the travelling Mary and Crucifix.  Missionary Discipleship:  Bishop Conlon wants each parish to form a group.  Father Burke Masters will be developing a video to assist.  This group could uncover or recommend something new, or at least capture what we already do.  Father David will be our Mission speaker, and his topic will be on Missionary Discipleship.  Mass change – PC reviewed the pew and online survey results and will consider changing Saturday’s 5:15 to 4:30 but there are some considerations regarding basketball, the chapel renovation, etc.  Safety Plan – Jim reported to the PC.  Father is OK with the Safety Sunday; He wants a responsible person from Worship Commission to work with Jeff for safety inventory and supplies to be in place by Christmas.  7 Hours of Reconciliation – WC should help advertise this by helping deliver the posters, and to be excellent hosts for people to know where to go, handing out the reconciliation guides, etc.  Capital Campaign – Father is pleased with the donations and construction progress, and hopes the elevator will be ready by December 7/8.  The next phase of construction will begin in May 2020 with a complete target of December 2020.  Schools: St. Michael in Wheaton and IC are the most stable in the diocese when considering funding, enrollment and learning.
    Liturgical Minister:  We will wait until after the Holidays to train new EMs and Lectors.  Barb will send out notes to get scheduled to Fr. James, Tom and Peg.  We need more regular EMs for 11:30 and 5:15 Sunday.  We need more Mass Captains, especially for 5:15 Saturday and Sunday.  Mary Anne L. has stepped up to replace Loretta K. for 11:30.
    Hospitality:  Discussion on greeters –7:30 EMs are in the swing to assist in greeting.  Jim will continue to work on 11:30. Still need more greeters at 5:15 Saturday.  The Hospitality subcommittee has not yet met to develop recommendations for Parish Council.  Mary Pat will check with Barb and set up a meeting.  Baptism ministry should also count as an effort to promote hospitality.
    Holy Hour for Vocations:  This occurred on Friday, November 8 at 7:00. Father James did a great job (his first Holy Hour!) working with Olive and Lisa sang and played music. 
    Mass Time Change for Saturday 5:15:  We will await a decision and direction on next steps.
    Safety Procedures:  Jim is responsible for Safety and supplies working with Jeff.  We may want to medical parishioners to also check in with lead usher.  Jim will consider.  Safety training will be December 3 for Ushers and EMs where Jim and others will talk about the top 3-4 things that might occur that would trigger a safety response.  Jim and others will report out to the parishioners on Safety Sunday - January 11/12.
    Crib Lighting and Caroling:  Will be on December 7 after 5:15. Tom will get cookies, hot chocolate etc.  Barb will be sure table is set up and the coffee pot, cups, napkins, etc.  Peg, Joyce, MP and Tom will be there.
    7 Hours of Reconciliation: Barb will send note to WC to get hosts assigned (2 per hour) and then to the Parish Council – then to other ministers.  Water, juice, granola bars, trail mix packets would be good.  Jim will cover this.  WC will assist with poster distribution in town.  Barb will solicit volunteers.  Tom will check with Lisa to see if there can be music playing in the background.
    Epiphany Cards:  We want to do this again.  Last year there were 1,000 cards.  Jim will get small sandwich bags.  Tom will get the chalk.  Barb will send us a note if she needs help putting the bags together.  She will coordinate with Jim about ushers’ role.
    FORMED:  is a new resource for the parish to use.  It has many studies and resources available.  Father wants us to begin using these for Advent.
    Father gave us God’s blessing and we adjourned at 8:45 PM.
    Next Meeting:  Monday January 20 at 7:00 PM in the Agnesian Room.
    October 2019
  • Worship Commission Minutes – October 21, 2019
    Attendees:  Father James Corona Bernal, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello, Jim Viola.
    Faith Sharing – Jim Viola led us with a beautiful prayer to teach us how to follow Jesus, how to pray, love, hope, believe, seek answers, listen, learn and teach.  We read 2 Timothy 4:6-8 and 16-18.  Some of Paul’s most famous lines – “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith…”
    Minutes from September meeting approved.
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – Mary Pat submitted draft notes from the October 14 meeting to guide several discussions including changing Saturday Mass time, the safety plan, and hospitality (see below).
    Leadership Night:  Father Burke Masters did a great job of presenting how to have authentic friendship with the Lord and how to become an intentional disciple.  How can we bring Christ to others in all we do?
    Music Ministry
    Taize:  The 7th Taize service went beautifully.  There were about 45 people in attendance from various parishes.  There was violin, oboe, cello, and 4 singers.
    Children Choir and Cherub Choir are starting up.  We have a new member of parish choir.
    Crib blessing, tree lighting and caroling will take place on Saturday December 7.  Will need volunteers for cookies, etc.
    Liturgical Minister:  Barb will check calendar for December.  There is an Altar server training on Saturday November 9.  Barb continues to encourage the RE children.
    We need more regular EMs for 11:30 and 5:15 Sunday. 
    Dress code – recommend review and make people aware of it – particularly for summer months.  Barb will send the 2011 (?) version to Lisa so she can share with her musicians.
    Discussion on greeters – There is concern about a lack of greeting at certain Masses.  Here is what we decided.  Peg will inform the 7:30 EMs that they may assist in greeting.  Jim will also talk to the EMs at 11:30. Barb will contact Sheila at Saturday 5:15.  Barb will also send a general note to all EMs saying that their Mass Captain or Lead usher may be requesting their participation in making IC a most welcoming place.
    The Deanery has a subcommittee on hospitality and has made recommendations for us to consider at IC.  (see notes attached).  Barb, Mary Pat, Joyce and Tom agreed to form a subcommittee to make recommendations to Parish Council.  Mary Pat will check with Barb and set up a meeting.
    Holy Hour for Vocations:  This will occur on Friday, November 8 at 7:00. Father James will work with Olive to plan.  Lisa (or Pam Livorsi) will be there for music.  Olive should let us know if she needs anything further from Worship Commission.
    Mass Time Change for Saturday 5:15
    Worship Commission discussed the possibility of changing the Mass time for our Saturday evening Mass.  This discussion was requested by the Parish Council based on a number of requests that it be earlier (due to darkness), and indication of lower attendance.  Parish Council was OK with 4:15 – 4:30, but asked that worship Commission weigh in and make a recommendation and form an implementation plan ASAP.
    Current Mass times in and around Elmhurst are:  IC – 5:15; MQH – 4:30; Vis – 5:00; St. A – 5:00; St J.V. 5:00; St. C.B. – 5:00; St. Doms – 4:00. 
    The Survey that was done in summer 2017 (with input from all Mass attendees, not only Saturday 5:15) indicated first choice was to keep Mass at 5:15; second choice 5:00; third choice 4:00; and fourth choice 4:30. 
    There was not consensus among Worship Commission members on whether to change the time, although most personally thought an earlier Mass would be fine and we are leaning to 4:15 or 4:30.  If we do change the time, there was agreement that Reconciliation should immediately follow the Mass rather than prior to.  We believe that many would take advantage of receiving the Sacrament after Mass.  If we do add Reconciliation after an earlier Mass, we recommend that it go no later than 6:30 PM.  Currently confessions last for 45 minutes and end 30 minutes prior to Mass.  From the priests’ point of view, is this enough time for those wishing to take advantage of it?
    There was some concern about 2:00 PM weddings, but not insurmountable.
    IC staff will post a survey to the website this week and conduct an in-pew survey on November 2. Worship Commission can contact the Eucharistic Ministers, musicians, ushers and lectors to understand possible impact, so that information can be considered before a decision is made.   Based on this information, if a change is to be made, we need adequate time to inform people about the change, and make the change either November 24 or 30 (beginning of Advent).  Information on this decision should be posted in bulletin, newsletter, IC webpage, parish email, and possibly an all parish phone call from Father Tom. 
    Safety Procedures
    Jim shared the IC Mass Safety Procedures and Draft Action Plan.  He has gotten input from ushers and others.  Mark Tovey is available to work with Jim, and Father Tom asked that a small group be involved with Jim to implement.  Peg agreed to help.  We recommend that after the New Year we have an announcement at Mass to introduce the safety plan – Safety Sunday.  Tentatively set for January 11/12.
    Father gave us God’s blessing and we adjourned at 9:00 PM.
    Next Meeting:  Monday November 18 at 7:00 PM.
    Report Out from October 14, 2019 Council Meeting to Worship Commission
    Still need CCW leadership – any ideas or recommendations?  Father thought having a group of women meet to see what they could come up with?
    Holy Hour for Vocations is set for Friday November 8 at 7:00 PM.  Is Lisa available?  If not, what options?
    Potential for new Mass time for Saturday evening.  In Summer of 2017, Deacon Max engaged in a survey to determine if the time should be changed.  MP needs to find the results of that survey as we will need to determine how things have changed.  The results indicated to keep it at 5:15. Recently, Father has had a number of requests for a change to have an earlier Mass.  MQ has 4:30, Vis has 5:00; St. Dom 4:00.  Seems that the attendance is also down.  May be some manageable concern with the basketball if we change, though that is manageable.  Older people like an earlier Mass.  Father wanted input from WC.  What time do we recommend?  When would we make change (if any)?  How well attended is MQ’s Mass?  Confessions during basketball are in church.  PC was amenable to earlier time with 4:15 making most sense.  What does WC think?  MP needs to get back to Parish Council ASAP with feedback, so perhaps we could implement any change with the time change in November.
    Comments from Father Tom about Masses, lectors, EEMs and ushers:  Sunday evening Mass, there was only 1 EM who was scheduled – all the others were last minute or subs.  Problem with Lectors too.  Need more regular people designated to lector on Saturdays too.
    It is good to continue to reach out to the RE children to become Altar Servers.  Keep it up!
    From Deanery meeting – Hospitality subgroup was the focus of Deanery meeting.  Mark Tovey reported and there is a report which WC should review.  WC should review the summary and get back to me for next meeting in November.  We want all our parishes to be more welcoming.  Discussed some examples:
    • EMs/Servers/Lectors/Priest huddle before Mass for a quick prayer
    • Should we celebrate birthdays for the month by having people stand up and be recognized (e.g. all the November birthdays)
    • Should we acknowledge special anniversaries (invite people to send in their special event)
    • Monthly name tag Sundays
    • Hospitality Sundays – we should continue ours
    • New parishioners – Welcome Basket and/or a personal visit
    • Post baptisms – send a gift to make them feel welcome.
    Regarding our Masses and hospitality, Saturday needs more greeting.  7:30 ushers are great at collections, but could use some greeting, and for ushers to pay greater attention to the people as they enter.  9:00 is good.  11:30 needs some help.  5:15 Sunday is welcoming.  EEMs should not be standing around chatting, but may be able to play an important additional role as greeters.  Need to consider and figure this out. 
    WC needs to consider these items and report back for next PC meeting.  Mark Tovey is willing to help
    Emergency Plan Implementation Update – We need to finalize the plan and pull together an implementation plan.  Father suggested a small committee to develop the next steps.  How to implement the plan (which should be amended based on PC comments from last month).  Need to present the implementation plan at November 11 meeting.  Hope is to have this in place by January 2020.  Father likes the idea of a Safety Sunday.  Mark Tovey will work with Jim and me to get this committee going and finalize a draft implementation plan, such as who needs to be trained; who will this impact; etc.

    August 26 2019
  • Minutes from Worship meeting 8/26/19
    IC Worship Commission Meeting
    Monday 8/26/2019
    Present- Fr. James, Tom Kaiser, Mary Lou Rafferty, Jeff Williams, Barb Repking, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello, Jim Viola
    • • The meeting started with Faith Sharing related to the upcoming Sunday Gospel and the theme, ‘enter through the narrow gate.’
    • • No Parish Council notes, first meeting is 9/3/19.
    • • Next Leadership Night is Tuesday September 9that 7:00pm in the Chapel. All Parish Leadership and all Parishioners are invited to attend to hear Fr. Burke Masters speak.
    • • Jeff Williams gave us an update on the Chapel elevator project. It has been delayed due to variances, and should be completed by early-mid October. Also, the interior Chapel renovation will begin in June 2020 and be completed by end of October 2020. Masses will resume in the Chapel on 9/7/19.
    • • Ministry sign up over Memorial Day had a low turnout but we did gain new Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors. The Holiday weekend probably accounted for the low turnout. Several people made it to training over the summer, Barb will follow up with remaining volunteers to schedule training. Peg already trained 7 EM’s lest week.
    • • The Diocese now dictates that Ems have to be 16 or older to sign up. Any younger current Ems may stay in the Ministry.
    • • We have been short Altar Servers. Barb is communicating with them to improve their attendance and communication. She is going to reach out to RE students to invite them to become Altar Servers.
    • • IC Fest:
    • a) Fr. Tom will meet WC members in the Church Sacristy at 3:00pm Saturday to bring all Mass items to Wilder. WC members will gather at 2:30pm to collect items.
    • b) Barb will arrive at 7:30am to start preparation. THANK YOU BARB! Chairs arrive at 9:30. Boy Scouts will set up the Chairs. Barb will chalk the sections after seats are in place..
    • c) Jim will recruit 8 Ushers but will not be present at the Mass. Paul Divine is lead Usher. Barb is contacting both football teams to pass out Song Sheets and Bulletins.
    • d) Will Phil Videkis do the sound testing?
    • • Jim Viola gave an update about the Safety Plan. Jim led a Safety Planning/Brainstorming meeting with almost all Mass Captains and Lead Ushers. There was very active participation and sharing of ideas so we could add to the Deanery’s Safety Template and create IC’s own Safety Plan. Jim will present the Safety Plan at Parish Council Meeting on 9/3.
    • • Jeff gave us his phone number as a safety measure in case we get locked out of the Church or Chapel. He can give us a method of entering the buildings safely.
    • • We are excited about our next Taize Service on Friday September 20 at 7:00pm.
    • • Jim was able to send Lisa video from the February Taize and Lisa has already posted a couple video to her IC Music Ministry Facebook page. Please go to the page and ‘Like’ it.
    • • Next meeting is the Leadership Meeting on September 10, and then our regular Worship Commission meeting on the 3rd Monday of October, the 21st.
    August 2019
  •  Worship Commission Special IC Fest Minutes –August 6, 2019
    Attendees:  Father James, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello.
    We welcomed Father James to our meeting.  Tom recapped the history of WC’s involvement in IC Fest, in particular the Mass.  He shared previous minutes.  Based on the minutes and other feedback we developed our plan for IC Fest Mass - 2019, which is scheduled for August 24 at 4:00 PM.
    Worship Commission members should plan to meet at 2:30 in the Church sacristy.
    Music:  Lisa and Jeff will order equipment from Perry’s.  Lisa will invite Phil V. to assist with setup and sound adjustment, and how to place the speakers in relation to the mics.  She will invite singers.  She will remind Jeff to double check that the electrical box is unlocked.  She will also inform Peg whether she will need the tent.  Other years we recommended 500-600 hosts and worship aids – she will double check with Father Tom.
    Ushers:  Ushers collecting money should be adults only.  They should invite handicapped persons to the north side.  Jim should bring the money bag, baskets and bulletins and ensure there are enough ushers and they know their role.
    Eucharistic Ministers:  Peg will act as Mass Captain.  EMs should be told to check in with Peg at 3:30 to ensure they know where they will distribute Communion.  Peg will bring a role of plastic wrap in case it is windy (Father James will check with Father Tom to see if he prefers cloths to cover the hosts in case of wind).
    Facilities:  Jeff will arrange for 2 tables in back; table near altar; stage and altar; ambo; sound equipment.
    List for Mass:  Tom agreed to help Father James with getting all the Mass items since it is his first time at IC Fest.  Altar cloth, chalice, etc., books, Cross, candles and lighters; cruets; hand wash vessels; purificators; ciborium (8 or 9 depending on whether we want someone assigned specifically to give Communion to those persons with handicap); lector and celebrants binders; hosts (500-600); bells?; gluten free pyx tray.
    Questions for Barb: 
    1. Will Barb determine who will assist with passing out the Worship Aids and inform them of their role?
    2. Will Barb arrange for chairs to be set up early, aisles marked, locations for EMs?
    3. Will Barb select and inform EMs, lectors and altar servers of the time, place, and plan?
    4. Will Barb place notice on church and chapel that there is no Reconciliation or 5:15 Mass, and the location and time of the IC Fest Mass?
    5. Do we want a ninth EM to distribute communion to the handicapped?
    Next meeting is August 19 at 7:00 PM. Adjourned at 8:00 PM.
    May 2019
  •  Worship Commission Minutes – May 21, 2019
    Attendees:  Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Tyson-Vanderlaan, Joyce Callahan, Peg Cello, Mary Lou Rafferty (Father Chris unable to attend as he was celebrating his 3rd Anniversary as a priest!  Praise be to God!)
    Faith Sharing – Mary Pat and Joyce led the reading of the Gospel of John 14:23-29 for May 26 for the Feast of the Ascension.  His word is not His, but that of His Father.  He promised to send the Advocate so that we will be reminded of all He told his disciples.  He blessed them with his peace, and told them to be not afraid. 
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – Mary Pat reported on the May 13 PPC meeting.   Regarding 18 Hours of Reconciliation, there were 645 people who received the sacrament. WC needs to assist with distributing and posting flyers for the 18 hours of Reconciliation next year.  For the Holy Thursday Altar of Repose, we need to have more hosts at the 8-9:oo PM.  Encourage attendance for Peg’s luncheon. 
    There will be a deanery wide safety template, and Father Tom wants Administration to take the lead, along with members as appropriate to build the plan for IC.
    Father Chris last day is June 19.  There will be food and refreshments after each Mass on June 8/9.  WC will assist with the lemonade and water table.
    Father Santiago Corona will be ordained Saturday, May 25 at 11:00 – all are encouraged to attend. 
    Vocation Cross – Father encouraged that it be shared at Mass, and encouraged to be signed up for, and the traveling Mary.
    Leadership night is June 3 at 7:00 PM.  Each Commission should focus on missionary discipleship in our report out.  How did we spread the message of Christ and how to actualize this in our parish work?  What have we done and where do we go from here?  Tom Kaiser will report out.
    Liturgical Minister training:  May 7 and 18.  4 adults and 6 youth were trained as EMs and 1 lector.  Fr. Chris trained the 5th graders and reached out to the parents too which worked very well.  35 of the 45 fifth graders were interested.  1 RE child trained.
    June 8/9– Father Christopher Lankford’s goodbye celebration   WC will host the liquid refreshments, lemonade and water.  Barb will bring ice for 5:15 and Mary Pat will bring ice for Sunday.  Peg and Mary Pat will bring coolers, and Barb will have the blue tubs ready for the water.  We can use the food pantry kitchen refrigerator.  AJ or the caterer will have keys to get into the kitchen.  Barb will have the lemonade ready to be mixed, and a cart with cups and napkins.  Tom and Joyce will each bring 2-75 packs of small water bottles for a total of 4 packs.  It would be good to have 2 people each Mass to cover the lemonade water table because we will also need to mix the lemonade and bring it over from the kitchen.

    Mass                                         Volunteers
    5:15 PM Saturday                   Barb and ????
    7:30 AM Sunday                    Joyce, Peg and Mary Pat
    9:00 AM Sunday                    Joyce, Peg and Mary Pat
    11:00 AM Sunday                   Mary Lou and ????
    5:15 PM Sunday                     Tom and ????
    Safety Training – With the Deanery coming up with a template and IC Administration Commission as lead, Jim should work with them on the safety training, etc.
    Traveling Vocations Cross – There was some discussion about bringing the crucifix to church to show and get interest (Father Tom is OK), and more discussion about traveling Mary – maybe try to get Mary statue into church in May if there is availability).
    Transition to Church during remodeling and construction – Tom Kaiser will be sure the church is set up for 5:15 music with 2 music stands, 1 chair.  Books – the ushers need to hand them out in the front and if possible, at side doors.  EMs could bring communion to those who cannot walk up to the altar, and a good place for them to sit is near the font.  There will be signage at the chapel that all Masses are in the church.
    Ministry Sunday – Will be Sunday, May 26.  There is online signup now.
    Music Ministry – Lisa worked the last two years on a Cherub choir – last year 25 children K-2.  She had 2 sessions this year with about 20 children.  She is looking at calendar for Taizé, but very busy fall weddings schedule.  We talked about possibly obtaining ICONs of St. Faustina, St. Jude and St. Frances Cabrini since these are the saints whose relics we hold in our Church.  Mary Pat will bring it up at Parish Council.  She will send to us the Around the Diocese blog, which has many great happenings and ideas for the future.
    Next meeting is Leadership Night on June 3 at 7:00 PM.
    Adjourned at 8:50
    April 2019
  • Worship Commission Minutes – April 23, 2019
    Attendees:  Father Chris Lankford, Barb Repking, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Joyce Callahan
    Faith Sharing – Jim read the Gospel of John 20:19-31 about the LORD’s appearance to the disciples (except Thomas). Peace was His message to them.  He breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit, and to forgive or retain sins.   He appeared again the next week, standing in their midst, though the doors were locked again.  Peace, and blessed are those who have not seen but believe.
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – Mary Pat reported on the April 9 PPC meeting.  Father David Mowry will be doing our IC mission next year.  The HS and GS were reviewed by the state.  There were audits of the HS and parish.  June 2 will be celebration for Pam Levar’s retirement, and June 8/9 honoring Father Chris.  Peg Cello is the IC Woman of the Year (YAY Peg) and will be a celebration at Cathedral on April 27 at 10:00 and June 7 lunch.  May crowning May 5.  The Diocese schools were evaluated and rated on many factors such as enrollment, test scores, etc.  Out of the 45 grade schools in diocese, 3 were given the highest rating and ICGS is one of them!  Many other schools are vulnerable and there is a task force report on options for schools going forward.  It is available in the Christ is our Hope magazine.
    Liturgical Minister training:  May 7 and 18.  Some 8th graders and a new parishioner.  Barb will coordinate with Peg about who will do the training.
    18 Hours of Reconciliation for Deanery at IC:  April 5-6 from 12 noon – 10 PM Friday and 8AM – 4PM Saturday.  610 people attended.  Tom got snacks and water.  For next year, don’t need so much. Good to have the photos of the priests and the schedule was great!  Act of Contrition/Examination of Conscience was much appreciated.  Some complaints that the times were not clear as to when a polish priest would be available in parish bulletins.  It was a truly blessed time.  Should review the attendance per hour and be sure we have enough priests during those times for next year.
    March 31 – Deacon Michael Groth Ordination celebration   Deacon Michael sent WC a thank you for our work to make it a special day.  The food was great and abundant.  It was a very good day!
    Palm Sunday – We had a snow storm, but it was beautiful anyway.
    Holy Thursday –For the 8-9 we had 3 hosts but recommend 4 for next year.  Song cards and prayer sheet process worked very well – the song sheets were collected after the people left the Church, and the prayer sheets were already in the pews, and there were announcements from the priests about such.  There was an adoration prayer in the narthex that we do not know where it came from so may need to double check on that for next year.  Those leaving on the bus were quiet.  We ran out of bread by 9:30 (350 loaves) and will want to be ready to distribute the bread right away, because some people left right after processing in and only one loaf per family. May want to consider having more night prayer books to be handed out.  The church looked amazing!  There were more visitors than any of us could recall.  Many buses of people.  There were 460 candles!  Many comments on how beautiful the church was, particularly by a bus load from St. Pius in Stickney - most commented upon leaving.  Lots and lots of picture taking.  Fr. Tom was very happy to hear the feedback. 
    Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday – all were amazing.  The priests, deacons, servers, singers, decorations – everything seemed flawless.  All services and Masses were very full.  --Good Friday evening stations.  Very thought provoking but even though I was there almost 10 minutes prior to the start, the books to participate in the stations were gone.
    On Sunday, the cantor in church seemed unprepared.  Father Chris celebrated the Easter Vigil as the lead and it was so beautiful – and the Easter candle is good too!  Thank you to all.
    Safety Training – Jim reported that he met with fire and police.  It is critical that the ushers know the people, the place, the exits, etc.  Question about whether we need a budget for training.  We all think this is a very important effort and Jim will continue to refine and make recommendations.  He will also meet with members of a large area church who have a very thorough process for security.
    --World Day of Prayer for Vocations - May 12.  Mary Lou will work with Olive to prepare for the May newsletter and bulletin article for May 5 probably will include a little explanation and Vocation Prayer.
    --Traveling Vocations Cross - article in the newsletter brings in one or two requests almost immediately.  We have families signed up through July.  Continue with newsletter updates and possibly a bulletin article every now and then when space permits.
    Father Chris ended the meeting with a blessing.
    Adjourned at 8:35
    Next Leadership Night:  June 3 at 7:00.
    Next WC meeting:   May 21 at 7:00.
    March 2019
  • Worship Commission Minutes – March 12, 2019
    Attendees:  Father Chris Lankford, Lisa Grisolia, Barb Repking, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Mary Lou Rafferty, Joyce Callahan
    Parish Pastoral Council feedback – Mary Pat reported on the upcoming PPC and the preparation for discussion on the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on the Need for Missionary Disciples in the Diocese.
    Recap of Holy Hour for Vocations:  It was beautiful, but short because there was a funeral, and also the blessing of the throats for St. Blaise Day.  We want to do another.  Mary Lou will work with Olive to get a prayer into the May newsletter for World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  The travelling crucifix has begun and families can sign up through a website.
    Liturgical Minister training:  2 Eucharistic Ministers were trained.  For next training Barb will send out some dates – we are quickly approaching the very busy season in May.
    Taize:  One of the best turnouts yet – about 60 people, in spite of the cold weather.  It was helpful that announcements made from the pulpit.  Lisa is interested in seeing Jim’s video.  We would like to support a charity by free will donations – Lisa asked the WC make a suggestion for a charity
    18 Hours of Reconciliation for Deanery at IC:  April 5-6 from 8AM – 10 PM Friday and 8AM – 4PM Saturday.  Barb will send out the volunteer chart to get 2 hosts per hour.  Tom will get the snacks and water, including cookies and granola bars or trail mix.  We will hand out water to the priests as they come in.  Barb will take care of all the handouts including the Act of Contrition/Examination of Conscience.  Need to have the sign outside to direct people to the Church. WC can help distribute flyers that Barb will create.
    March 31 – Michael Groth Ordination celebration Mr. Michael Groth will celebrate his ordination as a Deacon on March 30! There is a reception on March 31 after the 9:00 Mass. We should meet at 7:30 AM for the setup.  Mary Pat and Joyce will arrange for the punch.  Jim should bring gallons of water (maybe get into the refrigerator Friday or Saturday) and we will use the large dispensers.  Need 3 punch bowls (Mary Lou, Joyce and Mary Pat (and if needed Lisa)).  Ordination is on 3/30 at 11:00 – no tickets, but should be room if we want to attend.
    Leadership Night:  Father Fragomini was very good and it was well attended.
    Ash Wednesday – 7:00 PM was full, steady stream of people between noon-1, about 100 people at Elmhurst College, 4:30 was good.
    Stations of the Cross – we were going to host a soup supper on April 3, but that is a conflict with the Adoration, and the 10th is a conflict with Plunkett hall.  We are at a disadvantage because the parish removed the stove from the Agnesian room kitchen.  For next year, we also need to determine the meal, since soup may not be a kid’s favorite.  Pizza?  Macaroni and Cheese?
    Palm Sunday – Lisa needs help handing out song cards for the 9:00 AM mass procession and 5:15. Tom will cover 5:15.
    Holy Thursday – Tom will send out a request for people and times.  For the 8-9 we need 3 hosts.  Need clarification on the song cards and prayer sheets.  We had recommendations from last year that we want to implement.  Father Chris and Lisa will go over process with Father Tom.  Recommendations for this year, have Father Chris announce that people should take the song card and sing in the procession to the church.  Between 9-10 one of the hosts can collect left behind sheets and cards.  At beginning of Holy Thursday adoration, Father Tom could mention that there are prayer sheets in the pews.
    Father Chris ended the meeting with a blessing.
    Adjourned at 9:05
    Next meeting is April 23 at 7:00 PM.
    January 2019
  • Worship Commission Meeting – November 27, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, and Joyce Callahan.
    Faith Sharing: Jim led.  We read Psalm 96-which is all about proclaiming to all the nations the marvelous deeds of the Lord.  We also read and discussed the reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor 12:4-11).  It is to remind us that there are many gifts we have individually received, and all in the same Spirit.  The Spirit produces these gifts, and distributes them individually to each person, as He wishes!  We took this message to a discussion about the Apostolic Letter from Bishop Conlon to “Go! He said!”  We talked about the power of invitation.
    Minutes: Approved.
    Parish Council report:  Mary Pat reported out from the January 14, 2019 meeting.  The Deanery has a speaker series and there are several great speakers and programs:
    • Fr. John Kartje – January 29, 7:30 PM at IC.   Out of the Lab and Into the Chapel:  the Gift of Science to Faith 
    • That Man is You – second semester  February 2
    • Bishop Daniel Conlon @ Cardinal Bernardin Lecture Series - February 6 at 7:30 PM at Frick Center.  Did Jesus Really Intend to Establish a Church?
    • Marriage Enrichment Dinner Dance – February 9, 5:00 PM at Christ the King
    • ValLimar Jasen Concert - February 22, 7:00 PM at St. Alexander
    • Natural Family Planning – February 23, 9:30 AM at IC
    • Liturgical Enrichment Day – March 16 - Tom McCarthy, Linda Curry, Fr. David Mowry
    The PC meeting was focused on where IC wants to focus our efforts to implement the Apostolic Letter from Bishop Conlon to “Go! He said!”  Some Commissions (worship and community life) reported out ideas from their commissions.  Discussion ranged from the abuse issue to reaching out in friendship, to mentoring, to welcoming, to social media, what is the ultimate vision?  Many ideas were generated.  In the end, a small subgroup will work to gather demographic data to see if we should focus on a specific age group (e.g. 20-40; singles; outside the parish, etc.).
    Fr. Chris said – let’s not just wait and see.  He challenged each of us to focus on helping people to have an encounter with Christ.  We need to just go out and become friends with people and develop a relationship, and then invite them to come and see.  Each of us agreed to come back and talk about our experience.
    The Worship Commission needs to focus on inviting our ministers to the Liturgical Enrichment Day on March 16.
    A question about how the 8 Hours of Reconciliation went.  Father Chris said it was very good.  350 people for reconciliation and many more to express concern or ask questions about the abuse issue.
    Worship Commission programs and projects.
    Epiphany – 1000 packets distributed, and 250 went to RE Families.  Ideas for next year – could the chalk be blessed?  We will incorporate a blessing into this just prior to distribution.
    Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations and Seminarians – This is scheduled for January 26 after Saturday morning Mass, beginning at 8:30 AM, Rosary at 9:00, Reconciliation, Prayer for vocations, Exposition, and Benediction. Father Chris will lead this Holy Hour.  He suggested that we keep this simple, no need for musicians.  If there is a funeral, it will need to be shortened.  We will let Olive and Mary Lou know.  Tom offered to lead the rosary, and we will invite Olive too.  NOTE this may need to be rescheduled. 
    Taize – The prayer service will be Friday February 8 at 7:00 PM.  Jim will help to record.  Tom will help to get an article in the Independence newspaper.  Joyce will assist with all.  Still need a reader and someone for intentions.  We had lots of ideas for promoting this beautiful service:  community flyers, coffee shops, twitter, website, train station, York HS, deanery calendar…all will help to promote.
    Liturgical Minister training – Next training is Tuesday February 26 at 7:00 PM and Saturday March 2 at 9:00.   Tom will be late on 26th (Steve will cover) and Peg is unavailable due to operations – Barb will check with Catey to cover for Peg.
    Christmas/Advent recap – attendance was very high this year.  SRO for 3:00 Masses.  5:00 was full.  11:00 (midnight) was great.  7:30 typical.  9:00 sparse.  11:30 full.
    Other – Safety training for Ushers. Jim will work with Paul Devine and another lector who is a policeman to develop a plan for emergency response and medical emergencies.
    Next meeting is Tuesday February 19 - Leadership Night - 7:00 PM.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
    Next WC meeting is Tuesday March 12 at 7:00 PM. 
    November 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – November 27, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, and Joyce Callahan.
    Faith Sharing: Jim led.  We read the Prayer to Live the Gospel, Be Disciples.
    Holy Spirit, make visible to our eyes what is invisible:  your call to your people. You summon us to live our faith daily as witnesses of justice and peace.  May the sacraments move us to engage in love-inspired action that transforms us and the world.
    We also read Luke 21:  25-28, 34-36.  It was about the end times, and Jesus exhorts us to beware that our hearts do not become drowsy and to be vigilant at all times and pray that we have the strength to escape the tribulations.  We shared our hopes and worries about the end of the world and end of our time on earth.
    Minutes: Approved with slight corrections: “Neuman” should be Newman, and “Maddingly” should be Mattingly.
    Other news:  Paul Taviani has decided that he must resign from the Parish Council and Worship Commission because of family needs.  He thanked Tom Kaiser for his unfailing leadership of the Worship Commission, and acknowledged each Parish Council member.
    Parish Council report:  Mary Pat reported out from the November 12 meeting.  The Deanery will be focusing on Catholic schools, and why there is a decline in some; what’s going well and why.  The Bishop also has a task force on schools.  We discussed the abuse scandal and how to be more open with people about this.  There are also Deanery priests’ meetings, and the next meeting (Tuesday December 4) will be discussion of the Sunday Liturgy.  There may be a speaker for them.  Regarding the October Leadership Night with Deacon Keith Strom, there was positive reaction.  Some discussion about whether we want a separate meeting to talk about how to reach people and their hopes and dreams.  How do we make disciples in the church to offer people salvation in Jesus Christ?  We also discussed the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter “Go,” He said.  We decided that each commission should discuss the Personal/Group Reflection Guide (handed out to WC members and attached to minutes), and report back to the Parish Council at next meeting (January 14, 2019”).  For Advent, all are invited to join with our Deanery priests to fast and abstain on Fridays, in reparation and for healing of the church and victims of abuse.  There will be 7 Hours of Reconciliation on Saturday December 15 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Visitation Church.  There will be a talk given by Matt Pozen:  Mary as Icon of Jesus on December 4, Tuesday at Visition Church at 7:00 PM. 
    Action:  Mary Pat will set up a meeting in January for Worship Commission members to discuss the reflection guide and to provide feedback to Parish Council.
    Worship Commission programs and projects.
    Newman Singers – The weekend of September 29 and 30 went very well and Lisa was pleased and thankful for all the assistance (including Peg and those who helped with dinner at Peg’s and arranged for the breakfast, etc.).  The Newman Singers from U of Iowa were well received by the community.  Lisa was impressed by their unwavering energy and spirit.  The WC thanked Lisa for her work and a successful series of events.
    Respect Life Monument dedication - The monument was be dedicated after the 5:15 Mass on October 6, 2018.  Our seminarian, Mr. Michael did a great job with the dedication prayers.  Father Chris and Deacon John assisted, and Worship Commission helped along with Tom and Mary Kay Livorsi,
    Taize – The prayer service was held Friday November 16.  About 40 people attended.  It was beautiful, very peaceful and contemplative, and those in attendance were very grateful for the opportunity to pray in this form.  We hoped for more people to attend and discussed how to attract more people.  Some ideas floated were:  talk with Oak Park church to see how they grew their service;  could it be done between Sunday Mass; do a service on Wednesday for the RE Wednesday parents; do service for the grade school and open it up for the parents, and follow up a few weeks later with the parish (spread the word); include Taize in the Devotional project for 8th graders – which this year is focused on music;  Choose Taize songs with the grade school Mass since there are such songs in the booklet;  have the homily at grade school mass be a Taize inspired theme and song.  Another suggestion was to have this recorded and posted.
    Liturgical Minister training – At September training, 2 lectors and 8 EMs were trained (plus one more lector after training).  Next training is Tuesday February 26 at 7:00 PM and Saturday March 2 at 9:00 AM.  We discussed whether it would be possible to recognize lectors, similarly to how EEMs are commissioned.  Father Chris thought that would be fine, and he will work with Barb to find a date where he could do a blessing at one of his Sunday Massed.  Discussion about recognizing servers – Father Chris thought he could do that as part of the training rather than at Mass. A comment about how the lectors process to the altar was raised as some are not going to the center to bow first.  Also, a question was raised about bringing the precious blood to be received by the altar servers – we agreed that “Cup 3” should do this.  Barb will send out notes to each of these groups with reminders and instructions.
    Caroling and blessing of the Crib:  This will occur on Saturday, December 1 after the 5:15 Mass.  Jim will bring cookies.  Tom is unable to attend (nor is Mary Pat).  Tom will drop off the hot chocolate and water.  Peg will pick up whipped cream.  Barb will arrange for pot, cups, napkins and table.  Because it is only the first Sunday of Advent, we discussed whether to have an Advent song and agreed first prayer, then “O Come Emanuel”, then Blessing of the Crib, then Joy to the World (cue for the lights – Jim) and lighting of crib, then Silent Night.  Everyone should be at church by 5:00.
    Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations and Seminarians – This was scheduled for November 5 but was cancelled.  We want to reschedule before Lent begins.  There was an agreement that we do this after a Saturday morning Mass, beginning at 8:30 AM, Rosary at 9:00, Reconciliation, Prayer for vocations, Exposition, and Benediction. Father Chris will lead this Holy Hour.  He suggested that there are many options for this (e.g. Exposition, Benediction, Rosary for Vocations, Reconciliation, etc.).  Mary Lou had agreed to be lead at last meeting, so Mary Pat will call her and Olive Cadaoas to develop articles for the bulletins and January newsletter. 
    Other – Safety training for Ushers. Jim will work with Paul Devine and another lector who is a policeman to develop a plan for emergency response and medical emergencies.
    Barb requested our help with an Epiphany Card with white chalk.  Needs to be done by December 17.  Jim will get the small bags, and Tom will get the chalk (1,000 pieces of chalk).  Joyce and others agreed to pitch in.
    Next meeting is Tuesday January 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
    Next WC meeting is Tuesday November 20 at 7:00 PM. 
    Leadership Night is Monday, October 15 at 7:00 PM.
    September 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – September 18, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, Mary Lou Rafferty, and Joyce Callahan.
    Faith Sharing: Joyce led.  Gospel Mk 9:30-37
    Jesus was preparing his Apostles for his death and resurrection.  They did not understand and were afraid to question him.  Rather, they were arguing among themselves about who is the greatest.  Jesus taught them that to be first is to be the servant of all.  The Psalm 54 refrain is “The Lord upholds my life”.
    Minutes: Approved. 
    Parish Council report:  Mary Pat reported out from the August 27 meeting.  Leadership night is Monday October 15 at 7:00 PM (so there is no Worship Commission meeting in October).  All commission members and parishioners are encouraged to attend.  All churches of the Deanery are also invited.  Speaker is Deacon Keith Strohm.  IC’s representatives to the Deanery are Don Lamonica and Mickey Tovey.  Father Tom is searching for new President(s) for the CCW.  This is a critical need.  Dedication of the Respect Life monument is October 6 after the 5:15 Mass.
    Worship Commission programs and projects.
    IC Fest - September 8 went very well.  The weather was threatening and very windy, but the Mass was beautiful.  The music and musicians were great. Some improvements for next year:
    • The placement of the stations for the EEMs needs some small tweaking and aisles were good.
    • Need a sign on both Church and Chapel that 5:15 Mass cancelled due to fest, and no confession.
    • Need a cart for transporting the Mass items and table for gifts and handouts, etc. (in addition to table near the altar).
    • The attention to those with disabilities and handicaps went well.  Mr. Michael floated to be sure everyone received Holy Communion.
    • There was a dog off leash.  May want to consider announcing in the bulletin that dogs are not welcome due to fear of animals, allergies, loose dogs, bites, etc.
    • Fewer people due to Rock the Block.  May want to rethink the date and double check other events.  Estimated 350-400 people at Mass.
    Neuman Singers – September 29 and 30. Neuman Singers from U of Iowa will be at IC to sing for all Masses the weekend of September 29-30.  Director Joe Maddingly.  All Masses will be in the Sacred Heart Chapel.  They will sing a concert at 2:30 PM on Sunday.  They have requested that 5-7 families provide housing for 3-4 singers each (about 20 singers). Peg volunteered to host 3 singers and Lisa has 1-2 families lined up.  The families will need to assist in transporting the singers too.  Barb will try to get volunteers to set up lunch on Saturday for a noon lunch.  ICGS will take care of the Sunday lunch, all in Agnesian Room.  Peg graciously agreed to host a BBQ dinner Saturday night.  Father Chris arranged to have Brewpoint provide the coffee so he needs to know how many people need to be served – note:  Lisa might know best how many people will be there.  Joyce (am I right here?) agreed to pick up the coffee and donuts, bagels, muffins (and juice?) on Sunday. Tom, Joyce, and Mary Lou volunteered to take care of setting up the coffee and donuts (8:00 setup).  Mary Pat is out of town and unable to help, but offered to pitch in $$.  Lisa will get all the plates, cups, utensils, and water.  She will check with Father Tom to see if there is a budget for this whole event.
    Respect Life Monument dedication - The monument will be dedicated after the 5:15 Mass on October 6 in anticipation of “Respect Life Sunday”.  Our seminarian, Mr. Michael will be developing the prayers.  The parishioners are to process out the east side door.  Worship Commission can help with handouts and Jim will talk to ushers to ensure ushers are aware and available to help direct.  Father Chris asked that Worship help to be sure that the people are safe on the street.  Father Chris will work with Catey to get articles into newsletter and bulletin (Deacon John got them written and submitted earlier this week), and to have this information on the sign outside the Chapel of the Sacred Heart on York street.  We talked about singing a Marian song acapella, or with the bells. Lisa and Father Chris will check to see if we could have the bells playing music and the people could sing along.  Mary Pat will check with Tom or Mary Kay Livorsi, or Deacon John as to whether they have any holy cards that we could pass out and to be sure that they are aware of this and what role they would like to assume. If there are holy cards, Peg, Mary Lou, Tom can help pass out holy cards. 
    Taize – Lisa had tentatively set aside Friday October 19 but it is too busy with the Neuman singers, so she suggested Friday November 16 and will check with Father Tom.
    Liturgical Minister training – Tuesday September 25 at 7:00 and Saturday September 29 at 9:00.  Barb reported that we have 6 people for Tuesday and 4 people for Saturday.  Also, Father Tom, Father Chris, Mr. Michael and some of the Worship Commission and others met to talk about some deficiencies that need to be addressed for Mass Captains, Ushers, Lectors, and EEMs.  Barb sent out notes to each of these groups with reminders and instructions.
    Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations and Seminarians – This is scheduled for November 5 at 7:00 PM.  Father Chris will lead this Holy Hour.  He suggested that there are many options for this (e.g. Exposition, Benediction, Rosary for Vocations, Reconciliation, etc.).  Mary Lou had a sheet that had a number of examples.  Worship Commission will work with Father Chris on planning what to do, and Mary Lou agreed to be lead.  Mary Lou will develop articles for the bulletins and November newsletter. 
    There was a suggestion that we do a special prayer or blessing for our priests in light of all the trauma in the Church today.  We looked up the World Day of Prayer for Priests – it is a rolling day at the 10th Friday after Easter Sunday on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We recommended having a special prayer during National Vocations Week (which is November 4-10).  Perhaps the Worship Commission members could lead the prayers at each Mass for our beloved priests, Father Tom and Father Chris the weekend of November 3 and 4. Father Chris will check in with Father Tom about our hope to do this.
    Other – Safety training for Ushers.  Worship Commission needs to address this.  Jim will work with Paul Devine and another lector who is a policeman to develop a plan for emergency response and medical emergencies.  What equipment do we need in the church – e.g. paddles?  Plan may address items such as fire alarm; parishioner taking ill during Mass; – what is the process?  What training do the various ministers need, e.g. CPR?  The Priest?  Usher?  Etc.
    Idea for a future event at IC.  Mary Lou mentioned that former DJ Kevin Matthews hosts the “Broken Mary” statue at parishes where he tells his story.  Father Chris will talk to Father Tom to see if we want to host him at IC and the Worship Commission would make it happen.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
    Next WC meeting is Tuesday November 20 at 7:00 PM. 
    Leadership Night is Monday, October 15 at 7:00 PM.
    A big thank you to Mary Pat for the Minutes.

    August 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – August 21, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Barb Repking, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Paul Taviani, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Peg Cello, Joyce Callahan.
    Faith Sharing: Mary Pat led.  Gospel JN 6:60-69.  Jesus’ disciples found his saying (about eating his flesh) hard to take, and many returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.  When asked if the twelve would also leave him, Peter cried “Master, to whom shall we go?  We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” In the first reading of Joshua 24, Joshua gathered together all the tribes of Israel.  When they were asked if they would serve the Lord, they proclaimed “…we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.”
    Parish Council report: No report since the PC meets next week Monday.
    Worship Commission programs and projects.
    • IC Fest - September 8.  Barb said things are going well.  Scouts and sports kids will help set up chairs.  There will be a stage delivered this year.  Barb will have the aisles and stations for the EEMs chalked out.  Peg will act as Mass Captain to ensure all know their positions.  There will be 5 EEMs plus the priests/deacon/Seminarian.  Only Hosts will be distributed.  Lisa will talk to Jeff about the music logistics. Jim will coordinate ushers (and bulletins, baskets, money bag).  The football team can assist with handing out worship aids, but only adults should handle collection.  Jim should also be on lookout for assisting handicapped.  We need 2 small tables - Jeff.  Father Chris will take care of all the worship products and have them ready at 3:00 in the Sacred Heart Chapel sacristy.  600 Hosts and worship aids.  If it is very hot, Peg will bring a tent for the musicians.  WC members should arrive at 3:00 at the Chapel Sacristy to help Father Chris and ensure we are all set up.
    • Newman Singers from a university in Iowa will be at IC to sing for all Masses the weekend of September 29-30.  All Masses will be in the Sacred Heart Chapel.  They will sing a concert at 2:30 PM on Sunday.  They have requested that 3-5 families provide housing for them (about 20 singers).  Lisa will reach out to her choir members first.  Peg volunteered to host 3 singers.  We were asked to provide simple lunches on Saturday and Sunday (Agnesian room), and a BBQ dinner Saturday night (Peg volunteered) and coffee/donuts on Sunday. Lisa will reach out to MOM’s and CCW to see if they would like to host the lunches.  Tom volunteered to take care of the coffee and donuts (at 8:30 and 10:00).  Father Chris will check with Brewpoint to see if they may want to make a discounted or donated gift of coffee.
    • Ministry Day-Barb said it went well.  Had many more volunteers for EEMs.  Next training is Tuesday September 25 at 7:00 PM and Saturday September 29 at 9:00 AM.  Barb will reach out to those who were unable to attend spring training, and also place information in newsletter and bulletins.
    • Altar Servers – Barb has names of RE youth who want to be trained to serve and will coordinate with Father Chris.
    • Taize – Lisa tentatively set aside Friday October 19 and will check with Father Tom.
    • Holy Hour – November 4-10 is National Vocations Week.  November 5 seems like the best possible date.  Father Chris volunteered to lead the songs without a musician, and will confirm the date with Father Tom.  There was some discussion about inviting a religious sister to speak, maybe in the high school.  Tom will work with Paul on that idea.
    • Hospitality Donut Sunday – WC agreed to host on September 16 after 7:30 and 9:00 Masses.  Barb will have literature available to hand out to people.  October will be hosted by the Marriage Encounter group, and November by the IC Parents Club.
    Other -   Seminarian Michael Groth will be ordained a Deacon on March 30.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
    Next WC meeting is Tuesday September 18 at 7:00 PM. 
    April 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – April 16, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Catey Cohen, Michael Groth, Tom Kaiser, Paul Taviani, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, Joyce Callahan, and Steve Hillsman.
    Faith Sharing: Jim Viola led.  Gospel John 10:11-18.  Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd and I know mine and mine know me.”  How wonderful that we might all know his voice and follow him.
    Parish Council report: Father Chris started an IC twitter page!  Each commission should review our part of the website to see where it can be improved and join twitter.  “That Man is You” program will begin on September 8, 2018 and is supported by our three Elmhurst parishes.  The two parishes in Villa Park will share a Pastor.  Worship Commission should assess and recommend how much blessed bread we need for next year’s Holy Thursday Altar of Repose since we ran out about 9:30. Also, we recommended that ushers should be trained for emergency response and should invite Fire and Police to train them.  Pastoral Plan – each commission needs to report its accomplishments, on the topics of communication, collaboration and hospitality; and its major plans for next year. It was decided to go back to filling 2-part time employees-in the finance department and volunteer coordinator rather than to employ a person full-time to cover both positions.  There will be an after-school grade school coordinator and program.  Work continues the grade school (top floor only computer room and small closet need to be renovated.  The lower floors still need to be done.  Deacon Max is assigned to St. Michaels in Wheaton.  Deacon Max will be ordained on May 26th.  His first Mass at I. C. will be on June 3rd at 9:00 a.m.  Holy Ghost School will close.  Will need to evaluate how many of the 37 students ICGS could accommodate.  Family based RE program at Visitation will begin and IC will need to assess how this might impact our RE enrollment.  GS has 3 pending retirees and HS has 2.  Plans underway to fill positions.
    Worship Commission programs and projects
    • The Liturgical Ministry day on Saturday, February 24 at Ascension Church was well attended by IC.  Speakers were good.
    • Eighteen Hours of Reconciliation on Friday, March 9th there were 460 people who received the sacrament.  Small changes recommended by the hosts and Catey will implement for next year.  Also, keep the small snacks and water, and add a tray of cookies. 
    • All day Eucharistic Adoration:  There were times when the schools did not show up at assigned times.  It is critical that there always be someone there and Catey will take additional measures so there is always someone in the church – need a backup plan.
    • Lector and Eucharistic Minister training –May 8 at 7:00 pm.  The next Volunteer Coordinator should be trained for both positions.  There are about 8 people interested and Catey will call them, so they show up.  Especially need for 11:30 and 5:15 Sun.
    • Worship Commission acted as greeters again for Holy Thursday in the church (March 29, 8 - midnight).  Next year we need more greeters at the 8-9:00 timeframe.  Also, there was confusion about the song sheets – they should be collected in the church, so people have them as they process to church.  We suggest that prayer cards should be set in pews in church.  Those who are leaving for the bus tour need to be quiet when they leave.  Need to tell Pam.  We ran out of blessed bread.  There were 200 loaves and we should plan for 400 next year.
    • Parish Mission on March 11-13.  The reception was well attended, and Worship Commission did a good job with ushers and hosting the reception.  Many people attended the reception.  Next year Jon Grossman will do mission.
    • Stations of the Cross – WC agreed to help to plan one stations of the cross – maybe a different time?  Maybe with a focus on youth?  Tom L – perhaps we can work with him on it.  Maybe RE could sponsor and plan one?  We agreed to work with Tom L.
    • Holy week and Easter – Good Friday – 3:00 was very well attended.  Holy Saturday – suggestion that there should be a microphone out at the fire.  It was beautiful.  There were no ushers on the schedule – need 2 minimum.   Easter Masses were all well attended.  Regarding the reserved pews, if they are not taken by Gloria, should bring people standing in back forward.
    Upcoming Holy Hours –World Day of Prayer for Vocations is on April 22, 2018.    Next year we should have a Holy Hour for vocations in December.  Need to get the Holy Hours and Taize on calendar for next year.
    Other -   Beginning June 10 all Masses (except 5:15 Sunday) are scheduled to be in the church.  Someone from Worship should check with Father Tom to see if we can have all the Masses in the church, since Visitation no longer formally attending the Sunday night mass. Worship Commission is available to help with the reception for Deacon Max on June 3. The next Donut Sunday is April 29 and Catey will let us know if she needs us to host.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.
    Next WC meeting is May 21.  Next Leadership meeting is June 4.
    February 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – February 20, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Lisa Grisolia, Catey Cohen, Michael Groth, Tom Kaiser, Paul Taviani, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, Mary Lou Rafferty and Joyce Callahan
    Faith Sharing: Joyce and Mary Pat led.  The first reading was from Genesis about God putting Abraham to the test – through the holocaust sacrifice of his son Isaac.  God spared Isaac because of the devotion of Abraham to God.  Because of this obedience, God promised that the descendants of Abraham would be “as countless as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore.”  The Gospel was the story of the dazzling Transfiguration of Jesus.  Peter, James and John were witness to the mysterious event where God said “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”
    Parish Council report:  There was no report since the last PC meeting was the Leadership Night (Taize prayer service).  Next PC meeting is March 19.  It was noted that confirmation is April 21 at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM.  Father Tom will confirm the candidates.
    Worship Commission programs and projects
    • The Liturgical Ministry day is Saturday, February 24 at Ascension Church from 8:00 AM to noon.  Catey said that we have 26 people signed up already so that is good.
    • Ash Wednesday – It seemed that people liked the continuous distribution of ashes over the noon hour.  4:30 Mass was packed!  Many RE parents and students attended the grade school Mass because there was a late start for school.
    • Eighteen Hours of Reconciliation on Friday, March 9th from 12 noon until 10:00 PM and Saturday March 10th from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.  Jim reported that there are only 6 slots left to fill.  Thank you to Jim and Scott Hunter for organizing the coverage (and Jim said the thanks goes to Dave McCaffrey who is the expert on the scheduler)).  Catey will bring 250 copies of the reconciliation guidelines.  She is working on the schedule for the Priests.  We only need light snacks for the priests this year, as there was too much left over last year.  Also, there was a suggestion that we have photographs of the priests so that the greeters can direct them to their stations easily.  Catey will also make copies of the church history brochures to have available.  Need to be sure we have the sign outside the church.
    • All day Eucharistic Adoration is on March 21 and Catey is taking volunteers to ensure there is always someone in the church. 
    • Lector and Eucharistic Minister training – 1 Eucharistic Minister was trained.  Six others signed up but did not attend.  Peg and Tom asked that they get the names of those who sign up so that they can make a special call to them.  Catey suggested it best to have another training in April so the new ministers can act as substitutes in May – July.
    • Taize was great – it was tied to the Leadership night.  The atmosphere was very reverent, the music and singers, and musicians were marvelous.  About 50 people in attendance.  Some people from the Grace Café, Women’s CRHP, Elmhurst College – personal invitation works best.  We talked about linking the service to another function – e.g. to invite catechists; have it after the 5:15 Mass, etc.
    • Worship Commission will act as greeters again for Holy Thursday in the church (March 29, 8 - midnight).  Tom will send out a list of times for us to volunteer.
    • Parish Mission is March 11-13 and Father Fragomini will speak again “Passing on faith through the family”.  Worship Commission will contact Anne Hohbein to see if she needs greeters, ushers, or others to assist.  (Since the meeting, Worship has agreed to provide ushers for Tuesday and to work with Anne on the reception).
    Discussion about Welcoming – The 9:00 Mass in Chapel is always welcoming to parishioners.  In the Chapel at 5:15, improvement in welcoming is needed.  In the Church it is more difficult because of the logistics and space, and the noise.  It was suggested that the ushers help with the doors.  Jim will focus on 11:30 Mass, Tom will check in at 5:15 Mass and Joyce will invite some of the 7:30 Mass attendees to help with the doors.  We want to try to make some informal improvements during Lent and check in afterward.     
    Upcoming Holy Hours –The next Holy Hour was scheduled for the last week in April, but that is not good since the Respect Life Holy Hour is that same week (the 4th Thursday).  Olive Cadaoas (who is lead for Vocations in parish) still hopes we can have a Holy Hour to promote vocations – World Day of Prayer for Vocations on April 22, 2018.  Tom suggested that we have available the Knight of Columbus prayer cards that day and perhaps have a special prayer at the end of Mass.  Tom will contact Olive.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
    Next WC meeting is WEDNESDAY March 14 at 7:00 PM – in the Church where we will first go to Stations of the Cross and hold our meeting afterwards.
    January 2018
  • Worship Commission Meeting – January 15, 2018
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, Mary Lou Rafferty, and Steve Hillsman.
    Faith Sharing: Jim led us in prayer and reflection.  We read from the Acts of the Apostles 22:3 – 16.  It is one of the readings for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle on January 25th.  It was about St. Paul relaying his experience of his conversion – seeing the great light about noon, and falling to the ground.  A voice said to him ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’  When he asked, ‘Who are you, sir?’, Jesus said ‘I am Jesus the Nazorean whom you are persecuting.’ St. Paul responded and changed the history of the world.
    Minutes:  11/20/17 minutes approved.  Discussion ensued.  A question that was prompted by the minutes whether Eucharistic Ministers might be part of the “welcoming” concern.  Particularly in the chapel where they might hand out song books and welcome people.  We all thought this was good, and need to figure out the logistics.  Perhaps Peg could send out a notice for the newsletter, and Jim will work with the Ushers.
    Parish Council report:  Leadership night is Monday, February 12 at 7:00 PM.  Deacon Max checking with Fr. Ed Paloran from Mundelein to speak – theme of “spreading the gospel; why follow Jesus?”  The question was raised about music.  (Since our WC meeting, it was decided that the Leadership night will be a Taize service (which was originally scheduled for Friday February 2 at 7:00) since Fr. Ed was not available to speak to the leadership on that date). 
    The Liturgical Ministry day is Saturday, February 24 at Ascension Church from 8:00 AM to Noon.  All Liturgical Ministers are requested to attend.
    Eighteen Hours of Reconciliation will be held at IC on Friday, March 9th from 12 noon until 10:00 PM and Saturday March 10th from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.  Father asked that Worship Commission assist as we did last year.  (Jim Viola and Tom Kaiser agreed to be leads on this again, and Mary Pat will check with Scott Hunter to see if he is available as he was last year to work on this.  She will also send out the feedback on last year’s services so that we can plan and execute it even better). 
    Parish Mission is March 11-13 and Father Fragomini will speak again “Passing on faith through the family”. 
    Discussion about a Welcoming Committee – Father Tom wants the CCW to take this on as lead although all commissions and committees need to focus on this too.     
    Christmas feedback:  Caroling went well with 2 songs, a blessing and 2 more songs.  Cookies and hot chocolate were good indoors and it was quite well attended.  Christmas was chaotic with 2-way traffic on the side aisles and need to consider how to manage that better next year.
    Lent:  Lent begins on February 14.  WC will act as greeters again for Holy Thursday evening in the church.  A suggestion was made that we post “Best Lent Ever” from Matthew Kelley – Tom will check on this.  Stations will be like last year (Wednesdays PM and Friday Grade school).
    • Music - Taize - The next Taize service was scheduled Friday May 2 but will now be on Leadership Night, Monday February 12 at 7:00 PM.  Lisa will need help setting up (Peg and Mary Pat), passing out worship guides Mary Lou, Tom), readers (Tom volunteered for reading and Jim for petitions), cleanup.  Lisa will take care of the bulletin, newsletter, post it on website, and have notice sent to the deanery churches.
    • Music – Lisa found some coloring posters with Psalms for Lent that the parish could purchase (either the digital version where we would make copies or hard posters.  The digital version is not expensive.  We were unable to come up with a planned event.  Discussion about whether we could have an intergenerational day, or hand out after Mass.  We agreed to keep this in mind for a future event.
    • Holy Hours –. The next Holy Hour was scheduled for the last week in April, but that is not good since the Respect Life Holy Hour is that same week (the 4th Thursday).  Olive Cadaoas (who is lead for Vocations in parish) had requested that we have a Holy Hour to promote vocations – Father Chris and Lisa will check to see whether we can fit this in around some of the special dates for vocations.  Mary Lou brought forward some dates.  Mary Pat agreed to inform Olive about the status.
    • Ministry Day is March 24 from 8-noon at Ascension Church in Oak Brook Terrace.  WC needs to market this to ministers thru bulleting and a special letter.  Father Tom wants a big turnout. 
    • Liturgical Minister training will be held Tuesday January 23 at 6:00 PM for interested Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
    Next WC meeting is TUESDAY, February 20 at 7:00 PM.
    Next Leadership Night is Monday February 12 at 7:00 PM in the church.
    November 2017
  • IC Worship Commission 11-20-17 Meeting Minutes

    In attendance: Tom Kaiser, Jim Viola, Fr. Chris, Peg Cello, Joyce Callahan

    Parish Council update- Fr. Chris talked about Pastoral Plan. The biggest component of Pastoral Plan discussed was Hospitality. Parish Council encourages all Commissions to set concrete goals about how we can do Hospitality. We first asked, how can we make people feel welcome at Mass? A good start would be having Ushers greet people when they arrive. We sometimes do it now, but it’s a nice goal to be more consistent at every Mass. Also good to hand out Bulletins after Mass and wish Parishioners a good day.

    Also good to continue to stock the coloring book bags for kids and the Magnifikids subscription..

    Donut Sundays can promote hospitality. Community Life Commission has been planning those, can Worship Commission take one over?

    WC can continue to plan and do the Christmas Tree lighting after 5:15 Saturday Mass in December.

    And WC can welcome new Ministers by greeting them and training them to be prepared for their Ministry.   AND Worship Commission members can think about other Hospitality activities we can sponsor and bring them to the next meeting.

    Catey found Advent documents for the web site and Jim can add those to the Web Site.

    Fr. Chris found out 34 families signed up to be new Parishioners the past 3 months. So he called a good number of them by phone, welcomed them, and answered their questions. Who else could help Fr. Chris to call new members?

    Regarding IC Fest 2017, Fr. Chris saved the checklist for Mass so we have it for next year. We will save other pieces of info for next year like the seating and Altar layout in Wilder.

    Last Eucharistic Minister training in October trained 4 or 5 new Ministers. Also, 1 new Lector was trained. Next Ministry training will be April 10 and 14.

    Taize in October was Beautiful and we hope more will attend the next one on February 2nd. We will try to reach out and invite more Parishioners personally. Thank you for all the time and preparation, Lisa!

    We should promote Ministry Day for the Deanery in March or April. Fr. Chris will let us know the date when he finds out.

    We are talking about doing an Hour of Prayer in April after Easter. (Easter is 4/1/18). A Parishioner recommended a theme of Vocations for the next Hour of Prayer.

    Caroling at the Crib will be Saturday December 9th after 5:15 Mass. Tom will bring Hot Chocolate, Jim will bring cookies. We will again set up the table in the Narthex and serve cookies and hot chocolate there after caroling. Catey will inform James to get us the table and coffee maker. WC members will hand out Song Sheets after Mass.

    Fr. Chris said that he continues to think about the Altar Server Coordinator position. He is serving the function and Catey Cohen is also serving the function. Fr. Chris mentioned the Altar Servers get a Certificate at the end of the school year commending their service. Certificates are handed out to ICGS students at the end of the school year at school. Worship Commission can help coordinate making sure they get handed out to R/E students during R/E at the end of the school year.

    Fr. Chris updated us that we might not have an 11:30am Mass on Sunday 12/24/17 Christmas Eve. We will have a 7:30am and 9:00am Mass that day. Christmas Masses start at 3:00pm.


    August 2017
  • Worship Commission Meeting – August 21, 2017
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Tom Kaiser, Paul Taviani, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello, Joyce Callahan, and Catey Cohen

    Faith Sharing: Jim led us in prayer and reflection.  We read Psalm 138 (Lord your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your hands) and Gospel -  Matthew 16:13-20.  When Jesus asked his disciples, who do people say that the Son of Man is, Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”.  Jesus then called him Peter and gave him the keys of heaven and the promise that the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. 

    Minutes:  Approved, with one correction:  Respect Life Holy Hours are on 4th Thursdays.  Tom passed out the schedule for 2017-18 Worship Commission and Leadership Night meetings. Jim will post the schedule.

    Parish Council:  Paul Taviani reported out that the first PC meeting is on Monday August 28.     
    C Fest
    is on August 26.
    Boy Scouts will assist with set-up along with Dave Mc. and the K of C.  K of C will help with the altar at 10:00.  Catey will confirm that Dave will also do the aisles.
    Ten football players will help distribute Mass song sheets and bulletins and should arrive at 3:30. Fathers Tom and Chris and Deacon John are presiding and we have 5 Eucharistic Ministers who should arrive at the Park at 3:30. (Peg will act as the Mass Captain and will physically show them where they are to go to distribute communion).  Loretta K. and Tom K. are lectors. WC members should arrive at the Chapel at 3:00.  Peg will bring a tent for the musicians and have it there at 2:00.  Jeff will let Tom know if the truck is still not fixed, so that Tom might have to pick up the sound system from Perry’s.  Servers may wear “school shoes”, collared shirt and slacks (no shorts).  Catey will send out reminder emails and will also check to see if the football players will sit in a special area in their uniforms.
    List:  Altar cloth, chalice, books, baskets, candles, cruets, ciborium, hand wash vessels, lector binders, hosts (600). 
    Special instructions:  Ushers for collection are to be adults only.  Ushers need to be trained on how to direct the flow for receipt of Communion.  Peg will serve Communion to any in handicap area.  The Altar should be where it was before, and there is to be no cover over the Altar.

    Holy Hours –. The first Holy Hour was Friday July 7.  I.t was beautiful but sparsely attended.  If we do this next summer, it was suggested that we do a noon Holy Hour as the Office closes at noon and we may get better attendance.  Also, Friday may not be the best day of the week in the summer. 
    The next service will be Taize on Friday October 20 at 7:00 PM.  Lisa will need help setting up, passing out worship guides, a reader (Jim volunteered), cleanup.  Lisa will take care of the bulletin, newsletter, post it on website, and have notice sent to the deanery churches.  She will also check to see if it can go on the sign outside the Chapel.
    • Catey talked about the Fellowship (Hospitality) Sundays.There are 4 on the Calendar between now and next June.Catey thought it would be good if groups within a Commission would agree to host to obtain more volunteers.She hopes to have a Hospitality Committee in place by the end of this fiscal year.
    • There was discussion about a lack of comradery among volunteers and how we used to have sessions where the ministers would all get together for a half day of fellowship and prayer.It was suggested that there be an annual “training” for EMs, lectors, ushers.We might call it “Ministry Refreshment or Renewal Day”.We came up with Saturdays October 21 (EMs), 28 (lectors) and November 4 (ushers) beginning with 8:00 AM Mass and followed by light breakfast.
    • Liturgical Minister training will be held Saturday October 14 at 9:30 AM; October 17 at 7:00 PM; and April 10 at 9:30 AM and April 14 at 7:00 PM.
    • Altar Server coordinator – Catey sends a reminder to the parents and server when they do not show up.She will also track the other ministers and inform the coordinators and prepare a report for the September 18 meeting.
    • Jeff asked how Worship Commission could help other Commissions to update their web pages.  Olive C. is the PC member who is leading up this effort.  More to come on this.
    • Father Tom’s Anniversary:  November 5 after 9:00 AM Mass.  He wants WC to play the same role as we did for the 140th Anniversary where WC will take care of punch, water, coffee (but only if it is from outside – no brewing of coffee), cups, plates, napkins table cloths (?), cake, etc.  Jeff said we should save our receipts and obtain reimbursement and IC has accounts with Sam’s Club and Costco.
    • Mass times:  Voting came in – Saturday 5:15; 5:00, 4:00, 4:30; and Sundays 5:15 and 5:00.  We suggest no earlier than 5:00 if there is going to be a change.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
    Next WC meeting is September 18 at 7:00 PM.

    May 2017
  • Worship Commission Meeting – May 15, 2017
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Peg Cello Mary Lou Rafferty and Catey Cohen.
    Faith Sharing: Jim led us in prayer and reflection.  We read Psalm 66 (Let all the earth cry out with joy!) and Gospel of John 14:15-21.  Jesus told his disciples that he will send another Advocate to be with them (and us) who is the spirit of truth who remains with us.  We will not be left orphans because Jesus and the Father are one, and Jesus said that we are in Him.
    Minutes:  Approved.
    Welcoming new members:  We welcomed Catey Cohen to the Worship Commission – she is our parish new Volunteer Coordinator.  We all wish Maria the best and thank her for her outstanding work.
    Parish Council:  Mary Pat Vanderlaan reported out on the May 1 PC meeting. 
    • WC suggests we consider doing Commission by Commission Hospitality Sunday – PC was OK with this – still maintain a Ministry Sunday overall.Father concerned about too many Sundays with speakers so need to consider that.
    • Regarding training all 6th graders as Altar servers, the reaction was mixed – some concern as to whether that would overstep parents’ boundaries – needs more discussion.
    • Reported on upcoming training for liturgical ministers – Father noted concern about timing of training since months may elapse from time of training till Lectors are on schedule.It was suggested that WC look at timing or assign a mentor for each new Lector to help them through the first few times (it would also be an opportunity to provide feedback).
    • For Fall Leadership, PC suggested we discuss how to better develop the volunteer ministries and recruitment.
    • Lack of viable hospitality committee was discussed and PC suggested that new parishioners receive a welcoming call from a current parishioner.
    • PC said that we need to review our web pages-Commission by Commission and update.Olive C. will be the lead to help jumpstart getting appropriate people as leads within staff and Commissions and looking at credentials, etc.
    • Max Behna is our new Deacon for this year as he finishes his last year before ordination.
    • Next Leadership Night is June 5 at 7:00 in the Agnesian Room.Each Commission should report out on successes of the year.There will be wine and refreshments.
    • Liturgical Minister training June 13 and 17.Two Lectors and one Eucharistic Minister were trained.Tom will send out a lector pronunciation guideline; Peg will send out Eucharistic Minister guidelines, Tom will send out helpful hints, and Jim will post to WC’s page.
    • Ministry Day – May 20 and 21.There will be speaker at each Mass.
    • Altar Server coordinator –Father Chris will explore this further.Father Chris wants to have a better game plan for recruiting and training and will work over the summer as a priority with Catey.
    Holy Hours – We are still interested.  Based on last month’s discussion with Lisa about Taize, we recommend that we do 2 Holy Hours and 2 Taize services.  The Holy Hours would be simple Exposition, Adoration, Evening Prayer, Benediction, Reconciliation and instrumentals and rosary. First Friday in July (July 7) and last Friday in April (April 27 because first Friday in May is hectic) for Holy Hour and October 6 or 20 and February 2 for Taize (Lisa needs to weigh in on the dates).  Mary Pat said that Deacon John and Tom Livorsi may switch their monthly Holy Hours to the 4th Wednesdays.  Mary Pat will give a heads up to Lisa and Linda.  Tom will put in requests for the church and will get newsletter and bulletin articles (for the July Holy Hour).
    • For future, do we want to have special pages on the web for Advent, Easter, etc. like Dave used to post for WC?
    • IC Fest – All permits/police have been notified.We will do as we have in past for Mass.Chairs are ordered.Boy Scouts will help set up.We need to have a special planning meeting at some point.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
    Next WC meeting is in August.  Next Leadership meeting is June 5 and Tom Kaiser will report out.

    April 2017
  • 4-24-17 IC Worship Commission Meeting            
    Present- Jim Viola, Mary Pat Tyson, Paul Taviani, Peg Cello, Maria Wilbert, Mary Lou Rafferty, Lisa Grisolia, Joyce Callahan
    Meeting started with Faith Sharing from the upcoming Sunday Reading from the Acts of the Apostles.
    There was no Parish Council meeting this month, so no PC update.
    We discussed Easter Week Masses, all were well attended. Saturday’s Easter Vigil was a little lighter but still well attended. People loved the harp at the Holy Thursday Eucharistic Adoration.
    We agreed the 9:30am Easter Sunday Mass time worked well logistically.  Also, visitors praised the appearance of the Church!
    Regarding the Easter Vigil Procession, we discussed having an Usher or 2 available to keep people off the street and out of the way of the procession.
    We raised the question, should we continue to have 1 Ministry Sunday? Or have 5 Ministry Sundays, one for each Commission?
    Ministry Sunday is scheduled for May 20/21.
    This Sunday there will be announcements and people available in the Narthex to answer questions about the new Parish App for smartphones.
    This Sunday will also be Hospitality Sunday with donuts and coffee in Plunkett Hall after the 7:30am and 9:00am Masses. Worship Commission will have a table in Plunkett Hall after the 2 Masses to answer questions and promote the different Ministries. Maria will print an information page to provide to Parishioners. Steve Hillsman, Mary Pat, Joyce, and Darlene Cozzi will man the tables.
    Maria had the idea of having a permanent banner for the Worship Commission to put on tables for events where we can promote the Ministries of the Worship Commission.
    We also discussed having each of the 5 Commissions sponsor and run a Hospitality Sunday to promote their Ministries and try to increase membership. Mary Pat and Paul will bring this up at Parish Council for approval and ideas.
    Regarding Hour of Prayer, we talked about simplifying it to include Adoration, Prayer, maybe a Rosary, and Reconciliation. We also discussed 2 different options for frequency of Hour of Prayer. Idea 1- Have 2 Hour of Prayer events during a year and 2 Taize events in the year and alternate quarter to quarter.
    Idea 2- Have 4 Hour of Prayer events and 2 Taize events in a year. We decided to further discuss this at the next WC Meeting. Lisa said that October and February are best for her for Taize.
    Maria already started recruiting 8th graders for Liturgical Ministries! She sent a letter to all 8th graders in ICGE and ICRE a couple days ago and we are all hoping for good response. We should need a training in June to accommodate new Ministers.
    For training new Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Peg offered the dates of Tuesday 6/13 and Saturday 6/17. She will check with Tom Kaiser and Fr. Chris.
    We will follow up with Fr. Chris about progress with the Altar Server Coordinator position.
    Maria said that new to the Altar Server Ministry, all 6th Graders in GS and RE will be trained to be Altar Servers. This will help keep a large number of servers through 8th grade. Their parents are also sent a letter encouraging them to serve in a Liturgical Ministry during the same Mass as their child.
    Next Worship Commission Meeting is Monday Ma
    y 15.
    Next Leadership Night is Monday June 5.
    March 2017
  • Worship Commission Meeting – March 28, 2017
    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Peg Cello.
    Faith Sharing: Father Chris blessed us and our meeting, praying that it be fruitful and that we be protected by Jesus and the Blessed Mother.
    •   Several corrections to the minutes from February 21, 2017 – Liturgical Minister training was 3/7, not 3/10.  Regarding WC participating as hosts for March 15th Eucharistic Adoration, it was decided that we would not be needed that day.  Rather we will host on Holy Thursday’s Altar of Repose from 8 – midnight.  Finally, Father Fragomeni’s name was misspelled, and he is from Our Lady of Pompeii, not St. Peter’s.
    Parish Council:  Mary Pat Vanderlaan, as the Parish Council member, reported out on the March 15 PC meeting.
    Father Tom reported that about 475 people received the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the 18 Hours Confession at IC on March 10 and 11.  MPTV recommended to PC that if we do this again next year, that WC and PC/Father Tom meet in advance of service to determine roles, schedules, etc. since there was some confusion about who was doing what.  Father Tom had the following feedback:
    • He received very good feedback and hopes to do this again next year.Many had been away from Confession for a long time, so it is good to have it available.
    • Comments made that it was difficult to know when the back confessionals were available (there are no lights to indicate whether a person is in confessional or not).Next year, we need to better address this.
    • The host transition was hectic and noisy.Father suggested additional training would be helpful and suggested that there be an “overseer(s)” who would be there at the change of shifts to ensure a good transition.
    • Be sure the signage is correct (e.g. Polish, Spanish etc.).
    • Need to do a better job of publicity – this year it was last minute.The newspaper and other parish notification was good, but need to have posted information around town (e.g. train station, restaurants and coffee shops, hardware store, etc.).He wanted someone to take this on, and I suggested WC.
    • We need a consistent method to count the number of people who come for the Sacrament – this year’s approach seemed ad hoc.
    IC may get another Transitional Deacon (as we have in the past).  All PC and Commissions are invited to attend the Ordination on April 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM at the Cathedral of Joliet.
    All Commissions need to focus again on the Pastoral Plan progress and programs and report back to the PC.
    • Liturgical Minister training March 7 and 11.Two Lectors and one Eucharistic Minister were trained.Tom will send out a pronunciation guide website, and Jim should post this to WC’s page.
    • We got feedback that some lectors are not following protocol regarding going to the center aisle.Other EMs are bowing to the tabernacle rather than to the Altar.Tom and Peg will send out friendly pointers to their ministers.
    • Liturgical Enrichment Day – Father Tom wants to see more participation from IC.There were very few ministers from IC, and over several hundred participants from other parishes.
    • Ministry Day – When is the next Discipleship Sunday (Mary Pat will ask Maria)?We could have an announcement either before Mass during announcements or a special announcement after Mass to invite people to join our ministries.We thought we could do this 2 weeks before Discipleship Sunday.
    • Altar Server coordinator – Maria is leaving her position as volunteer coordinator.No replacement yet.She expressed concern about the servers and the need for a coordinator. Father Chris will explore this further.Tom will ask that Jim search the WC pages to find the guidelines for Server Coordinator.
    Lenten Reconciliation Service:  This occurred as planned.  Some comments in addition to those above:
    • The handouts were good (reconciliation guide, info on windows and church, parish mission).There were too many guides, so next year we recommend we only need 250 copies.
    • WC brought way too much refreshments.Next year, water, juice and small snacks (e.g. chocolate) would be plenty.
    • Scheduling system had quite a few glitches as the roles were being transitioned from our expert Dave McCaffrey.Want to get this started earlier next time to ensure it is working and in order to get information and training out to the hosts earlier per comments above.
    • It was suggested that there be a photo of each of the Priests available to help with directing the people.There was also suggestion of name tags or name plates that could be placed at the confessional stations for the priests.Also, name tags that say “Greeter” or “Host” so that people know who can answer questions.
    • We could use temporary lights for the confessionals in the back like what we did with the remote-controlled candles at Christmas.
    Holy Hours – We are still interested.  Last years were part of the Year of Mercy.  We could continue with this theme.  It was suggested that we do quarterly beginning in July and October on the First Fridays of the month.  Keep it simple – Maybe a theme could also be the Sacred Heart of Jesus in keeping with the First Friday.  Exposition, Adoration, Benediction, Reconciliation and maybe the chaplet or rosary.  We recommend that Respect Life Holy Hour continue as it has.  Mary Pat will contact Deacon John and Tom Livorsi.
    Other Lenten and Holy Week Services:
    • WC has nothing out of the ordinary for Palm Sunday and Easter.Reminder that the Masses for Easter changed (9:30 and 11:30) due to WC recommendation last year about traffic.
    • Holy Thursday – WC agreed to host the Altar of Repose from 8-midnight.We need 2 volunteers per hour.Tom will arrange for the volunteers.Mary Pat will ask Martha to arrange to have 50 of each of the window and church handouts to be placed in the racks in the back of church in case people ask about the history of the church.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
    Next WC meeting is April 24, 2017.  Please note the date change.

    February 2017
  • IC Worship Commission 2-21-17 Meeting Minutes                          
    Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Jim Viola, Steve Hillsman, Peg Cello, and Fr. Chris were in attendance.
    The meeting started with Faith Sharing on this Sunday’s Gospel.
    1. Taize Prayer Service- was a big success and a beautiful service. About 80 people attended not including musicians. Lisa is hoping to host a Taize service about 3 times a year. She is tentatively planning on scheduling a September Taize. Students from Elmhurst College also attended.
    2. Tom and Peg are planning on doing a Liturgical Ministers training on 3/10 and 3/11. We are talking about having 8th graders attend the training. They can get commissioned after Confirmation then they will be ready to get scheduled and start serving.
    3. We look forward to Ash Wednesday services. Eucharistic Ministers have distributed ashes in the past. We will probably need Ushers to hand out Lenten Mission Bags to Parishioners after they receive ashes.
    4. Lenten Reconciliation Service is scheduled for 9 hours each of Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th. Dave McCaffrey did a great job getting the sign up sheet online and contacting last year’s Reconciliation Service volunteers to help this year. So far about 15 of 36 slots have been filled. On March 1, an invitation will be sent for any Parishioner to help at Reconciliation day via the IC Newsletter. Jim Viola is monitoring the number of volunteers who will serve as Hosts. 2 per hour. Worship Commission will provide bottled water, boxes of coffee, and either cheese/crackers or cookies for the Priests to be stored in the Sacristy.
    5. For Reconciliation service days, we will use the Examination of Conscience that Fr David provided for last year’s Service. We are pondering 200-300 copies being made to have available in the Narthex for attendees.
    6. No further update about the Hour of Prayer in Lent. We will reconnect with Deacon John about his Respect Life Holy Hour. The next Holy Hour could be in the week of Spring Break. We will discuss this with Mary Pat and Paul T at the next meeting.
    7. There will be Eucharistic Adoration on March 15th, all day. Benediction and Stations of the Cross at Night. Worship Commission will serve as Greeters/Hosts. From 3pm to 7pm is the most needed time.
    8. We will also need Greeters/Hosts for Eucharistic Adoration on Holy Thursday from 8:30pm to Midnight.
    9. Our next Worship Commission meeting will be on Tuesday March 28th. Different than our normal 3rd Monday of the month.
    10. Parish Mission is on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights, 3/13, 3/14, and 3/15. Fr. Fraginini from St Peter’s Church downtown will lead it in a different format. No Mass on Tuesday.
    11. We are encouraged to invite all Parishioners to Liturgical Enrichment Day on Saturday March 4th all morning. There will be 2 keynote speakers then a Mass.
    12. We all enjoyed the John Angotti concert, and thanked Lisa for her beautiful singing with John. Fr. Tom invited John to sing at all Masses during a fall weekend to be determined.
    January 2017
  • Worship Commission Meeting – January 16, 2017

    Attendance: Fr. Christopher Lankford, Lisa Grisolia, Tom Kaiser, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Jim Viola, Paul Taviani, Joyce Callahan and Mary Lou Rafferty.

    Faith Sharing: Jim led us as we read from Psalm 27 “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” and the Gospel of Matthew “…Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand…”  Jesus called his first apostles, Peter, Andrew, James and John.  We discussed how these are ordinary people who were called, and how amazing it is that they immediately left all they had to follow Jesus.  Do we do the same?

    Minutes:  November minutes were approved with one correction.  Jim Viola brought the cookies for the caroling.                                                                           

    Parish Council:  Paul Taviana as the Parish Council member, reported out on the January 10 PC meeting. 
    Email from Paul T on Parish Council meeting 1/10/2017
    · Father said that it was okay if we make an announcement before mass during the lector welcome that we have openings for ushers, choir members, etc., on a rotating basis. The announcement should be short and direct the congregation to whom they should bring their request to participate.
    · Next, Father said that the Lenten Reconciliation service will be held two days this year: Friday, 3/10 Noon until 10:00PM and Saturday, 3/11 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Both services will be held at IC. Father will want the Worship Commission to help out again with hosting.
    · Father thought that the handouts last year were great as it facilitated the examinations of conscience. Scott Hunter said that he would contact Dave M. to coordinate the computer registering activity with him like last year even though Dave has resigned from the worship commission.
    · Continuing on, the deanery is planning a Liturgical Enrichment Day on Sunday, 3/5 at Ascension Church, Oak Brook Terrace. it starts at 8:15 and will end after two presentations and a mass (ending sometime after 12:00 noon). Details to follow.
    · Leadership Night (2/14) will be a little different this year. John Angotti, a singer, will be leading all of us in song in the Church at 7:00PM. I guess it will be some sort of "sing-a-long." It should last until 8:30 approximately.
    · There were some other points relating to things coming up later. One thing noted is that there was a survey done at nursing homes and assisted living centers in the area to determine needs. We will be talking about this later, but it seems that services (in particular the sacrifice of the Mass) have already been improved due to the survey results. The Worship Commission might be interested in this.
    Thanks to the subcommittee of WC who met to prepare Paul and Mary Pat to report out to the PC.  Regarding our desire to get more ministers, it was suggested that we both announce opportunity at beginning of Mass, and have it in the bulletin the same week – word the request that people can use the time during Mass to discern, and that there would be someone in Narthex after Mass.  Regarding the reconciliation service, Tom will contact Dave and Scott to see who will do what with this and what WC needs to do.  Martha recently updated the windows handout.  We agreed that we can take care of the snacks and coffee for the priests.  We will need to get something on this into the bulletins and February and March newsletter.  The Parish Mission is 3/12-14 with Father Fragomini.
    Caroling at the Crib
    In spite of the snow, it went well.  Refreshments indoors went well.  James did a good job of setting up.  Be sure we put the innards into the coffee pot to avoid the whistling.  We had too much hot chocolate (only used about 30 cups).  Tom did figure how to light the lights!  Lisa’s other caroling in the neighborhood was a hit.
    Taize Service
    This will be on February 10, Friday.  Lisa will need help to set up mid afternoon, and at 6:15 for people to greet, light candles, etc.  She needs a reader, someone for petitions and cleanup.  It is the weekend of the women’s CRHP so hopefully some of those attending will start off with this service.  Lisa will get bulletin and newsletter articles in, and will invite the other Elmhurst parishes and announce it to the ecumenical group.
    • Next Liturgical training March 7 and 11.WC needs to amend the process to vet ministers, per Father Tom’s conversation with Tom Kaiser.Tom will get a copy of the form and add the questions and work with Peg and Jim on their forms to ensure people are in good standing with the church.We discussed whether we need to double check the information on the forms and agreed that would not be done as it is up to the personal integrity of the persons to fill out the forms correctly.
    • Holy hours – Paul will talk to Deacon John about the Respect Life Holy Hours to see if they want to make any changes.Paul should coordinate with Tom should invite Tom and Mary Pat to that discussion.We decided not to pursue the Year of the Saints right now although we like the idea.
    • Transition of responsibilities covered by Dave. Dave McCaffrey resigned from the Worship Commission after an amazing service.  Tom Kaiser wrote:
    Dear Dave, 
     I wanted to thank you for all your years of service on the Worship Commission.  Throughout those years you have demonstrated great generosity of your time and talents in working on so many our Commission and parish projects, from being our Commission Web page master, posting all our minutes and events and sending in notices to the bulletin, to creating signup pages for our different events, just to name a few.   Thank you also for your leadership at our meeting and for and always being the voice of reason and practicality during our discussions and for stepping up so many times to take the lead on projects.   I always knew that any event you were involved in would be done right and done with a high degree of class and professionalism, that all involved in would be proud to volunteer for and attend.  
    Thank you Dave, for all the many countless hours you have given to our Commission and to IC Parish.  Your contributions could never be fully counted and I along with all our Commission members will sorely miss you at our meetings.
    Please know that you are always welcome to return to the Commission if your circumstances change.  Again, Thank You for all that you have done for the Worship Commission. 
    Sincerely, Tom 
    The Worship Commission thanks Dave sincerely for all his work.
    Jim agreed to be the lead person to take on the web responsibilities that Dave had done.  Mary Pat agreed to work along with him.
    Father Chris closed the meeting with a prayer and blessing.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
    Next WC meeting is February 20, 2017.  Please also note that the Leadership Night is February 14 – in the Church with a concert by John Angotti.

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