ICRE Program Overview

The Immaculate Conception Religious Education Office is a formational ministry serving the faith community of Immaculate Conception Parish.  It operates under the direction of Religious Education Staff with the support and advice of the Religious Education Advisory Board.  It promotes the Reign of God through life-long faith formation.  It seeks to proclaim the Word of God, foster Sacramental celebrations and worship, and further the work of justice and service.  It implements the guidelines of the National Catechetical Directory and the policies of the Diocese of Joliet.
The Blest Are We series used in our program is a spiral curriculum built on the four pillars of the catechism and is used in grades one through eight.  These four pillars of the Catholic faith are:
•  The Profession of Faith – The Creed (What We Believe)
•  The Celebration of the Christian Mystery – Liturgy and Sacraments (How We Celebrate)
•  Life in Christ – Christian Morality (How We Live)
•  Christian Prayer – A Personal Relationship with God (How We Pray)

Classes are held on Wednesday evenings, 5:10-6:15 p.m. in the Immaculate Conception Grade School.  Classes are also offered on Sunday mornings, 10:10-11:15 a.m. in both the IC grade school and high school buildings.  Parents may choose either day for attendance.

Our Catechist/Catechist aides participate in the Religious Education Ministry and share their faith with  our young people.  As the faith of our young grows, they learn and grow as well in this truly rewarding ministry.  Our program could not be a success without them. We urge you to pray on consideration of joining this rewarding minsitry.


If your child will not be in attendance for an RE class, please call the RE Office (630) 530-3483 or email at [email protected] to report your child’s absence. When leaving a message, please provide your name, your child’s name, their grade level and room number. If parents do not notify the RE Office, they will be called during class time to verify a student’s absence in compliance with Diocesan policy.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions, as well as Masses, retreats, and other scheduled activities. Lessons build upon each other, and continuity in participation is important. If a student misses more than four (4) class sessions in any program year that child may not be moved to the next level of classes.


The early dismissal of students from class is strongly discouraged.  Any student requiring early dismissal must present a signed and dated note, from their parent/guardian, stating the date and time of the required dismissal. The student must know when they will be picked up and be released by a DRE directly to the parent.

In order to avoid disruption of classes, it is expected that students will arrive promptly. Because before-class supervision is not provided by the RE Office, students are requested to arrive for class NO EARLIER THAN 10 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE START OF CLASS. In addition please pick students up promptly after class, as there is no after-class supervision.


Emergency closings will be posted in the Religious Education portion of the IC website at  www.icelmhurst.org

We appreciate the trust you have placed in us to provide quality religious education for your student. We also value the time and talent of our catechists, as well as the time and effort of your child. Therefore, we follow a policy of discipline in the belief it will enhance the educational atmosphere and opportunities for growth in faith for everyone.
If a discipline problem arises that does not respond to correction in the classroom, the student will be sent to the office to speak with the Director of Religious Education before being allowed to return to the classroom. If a student is sent to the office for a second discipline problem, the parent will receive a phone call from the DRE.
The completion of assignments is an important part of the program. It provides review and reinforcement of what has been taught during class as well as positive parent involvement. Homework will be assigned at the discretion of the classroom teacher.

In the case of a student’s absence, it is the responsibility of the parent or student to contact the individual catechist for information concerning material covered and any homework assignments. Missed work should be completed at home with the assistance of parents, and presented to the classroom teacher upon the return to the classroom.

Each student, in grades kindergarten through eighth, is given a text which is to be brought to each class. In addition, sixth graders are presented with Bibles, which are to be used through the eighth grade. The replacement fee for lost or damaged textbooks is $20.00 and $10.00 for Bibles.

No one will be denied entrance to any program because of an inability to pay the designated fees. Tuition is due and payable at the time of registration in April. Tuition and fee schedules can be found in the registration packet. Please contact the RE Office (630) 530-3483 if you have any questions regarding tuition.

Parents are asked to register, for the coming year, in the spring of the current year. Materials are sent home with the youngest child in the family. A parent volunteer sheet accompanies the annual registration. Parental involvement in the religious education program is essential and greatly appreciated.

In accordance with Diocesan policy, the RE office requires an authorization of emergency medical treatment form / emergency contact information on file for each registered child.
No one on the parish Religious Education staff, including all volunteers, is allowed to dispense medication.
Parents must dispense medication themselves.